4// "w e m e e t a g a i n"

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Emily's pov:

I'm finished with dinner and am almost ready to go to sleep, I'm on my bed working on some homework when I suddenly hear footsteps outside my door. Not only are they regular footsteps, but the person is also running, urging. I can feel a sense of terror and stress. I also hear something...sobbing. It's not the kind of crying in which you're just sad, these were silent sobs, almost impossible to hear. The person is hurt and I know it. I finally decide to stand up, put on my breathing tube quickly and head out the door, feeling anxious to see what was going on.

Hear me out...I'm not a nosy person, I just care too much about others. If someone's hurt, even if it is someone I don't even know, I'll do everything I can to make them feel better. At this point I've been hurt my whole life, (both physically and mentally) I can relate to anything pretty much. So if I can make others feel better, I will. 

I speed-walk down the hall and take the elevator to the lobby. (I'm just guessing where this person was going) The lobby is flustered with people, and I'm shocked to see that since it's way too late at night. I walk around trying to find the mysterious person, I take about 3 minutes trying to find them, and eventually, the lobby starts clearing up a bit. As I feel a small wave of sadness brush over me, I finally spot them...him. A tall, brown-haired teenage boy, around my age...with hazel eyes, writing down on a notebook. His movements with the pen were so gentle, and I could tell he was crying since his eyes were puffed and dry tears rested on his cheeks. His face seems familiar but I'm not capable of remembering him from anywhere. 

Liam's pov:

I'm writing down in my notebook a poem I want to say at grandma's funeral, I've been writing it for over an hour and still can't happen to find the right words. I feel like I've got no tears left to cry, and if I happen to do they must be stuck. I feel a presence near me, and smell a sweet scent of vanilla and cherry blossoms. Curious by the fragrance, I look up quickly from my notebook and notice a girl standing only a few meters away from me.

 Her hair was up in a messy ponytail, she had on a large sky blue hoodie with the words "Free Hugs" in white bold on it, some black shorts on, and was wearing sandals. Not gonna lie, she looked cute. But I saw something different in her...she had a small, brown purse hanging from her right shoulder, and something was coming from out of it...a breathing tube. She must be sick with some sort of pulmonary disease. Wait a second, she seems familiar. Yes! She's the girl I saw earlier looking at me. God, she's pretty.

All of this goes through my mind for a least 3 seconds, before I focus my eyes back on my writing. 

Emily's pov: 

He looks up from his notebook, notices me staring, and turns back to his writing.  Just then, it's when it hits me. He's the boy I saw earlier today in the gardens when I heard the lady coughing. HE'S LIAM! Mrs. Jones's grandson! He must've lost his grandma...Anyways, I stay there until he notices me. It doesn't take long enough for him to look up from his notebook once again, sniff rapidly, and ask "Can I help you with something?". His tone isn't angry or rude, but he sounds hurt...desperate. 

For a weird reason, I get nervous. And it's not something common, I'm normally great at meeting new people. I push through my nerves and manage to say, "I'm sorry...I just heard you rush through my room and I wanted to see if you were alright. I- I may look like a weird person or stalker but I just wanted to say that-" I stumble, and sigh to calm myself. He lets a small chuckle escape from his lips and I feel glad I at least made him laugh a bit. "Is everything ok?"I finally ask. Even though I think I already know the answer to this question, it's always appropriate to ask.

"If I'm being honest...no," He says, his voice shaking. "I had to say bye to my grandmother today. She was recently diagnosed with a heart condition that was undiagnosed. Her time was limited so I had to say goodbye..." I was ready for that, but he just sounded so hurt. So I make my move. (Wish me luck!) 

"You must be Liam..." I say, looking down to the floor. "I sure am..." He sniffs. 

"We meet again." He says. And that just makes me look up at him, his eyes meeting mine.

 "H-how do you know?" I ask. "I saw you earlier today...in the gardens. My grandma was um-having kind of a coughing attack." He responds, dry. I nod my head in response, feeling surprised he was able to remember me. "I'm Emily." I introduce myself with a small smile. "If you were wondering how I met you I um...my nurse told me about your grandma and you visiting her...I'm-" I sigh. "I'm deeply sorry for your loss," I say, looking down to the floor, my smile fading away. 

"Thank you..." He replies, looking up at me. He suddenly checks his phone and stands up in a hurry. "My Uber's here...shit. Um, do you mind giving me your number, Emily?" He asks. My lips curl up again and I nod. We exchange numbers and suddenly he's heading out the hospital doors, and I stand here, watching him get into the Uber...happy I was able to help him.


A/N: I TOOK SO LONG PUBLISHING THIS IM SO SORRY- Also sorry for making the chapters so short. I love you, stay safe and drink lots of water :))

-Amelie <3

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