Chapter 18 - Mine again

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I go to Kevin's house. Kelly and Toby are there. I scoop them both into my arms and hold them tight. Kevin's mum is out doing errands so I have 10 minutes with my babies. It's only been about two weeks since I last saw them but it feels like forever. Suddenly, I hear car tyres in the driveway. Kevin puts a finger to his mouth, saying to be quiet. He opens a closet and I hide inside it. His mum comes in. He brings her into the living room. I hear him tell her about that night so long ago. He tells her about how my parents died. Then he tells her that Kelly and Toby are his kids. There's a lot of shouting then. Then Kevin's mum leaves. Kevin lets me out. He smiles at me.

"After a good while of arguing, my mum said that I can take Kelly and Toby to you any time you want under a few conditions." he tells me.

"First, they can't know your they're mum. You have to call Toby Ben, but my mum said Kelly is a nice name so that's going to be her new name. It's the best I cou-" I stop him in his words with a giant hug. Tears form in my eyes.

"Thank you." I whisper. He looks down at me and smiles slightly.

"No problem." he smiles at me. I go out the door and begin walking to my house. It's winter now so it's already dark. I shiver and rub my arms. The walk back home is short, but by the time I get home I'm frozen and the tops of my fingers are bright red. Mrs Smith (the lady who adopted me) wraps me in a blanket and gives me some coffee. I watch TV in front of the fire for a while before falling sleep on the couch.

Hey guys thanks for all the reads! Already 780 reads when only a few hours ago it was 715! Fricking amazing! I'm coming home from skiing on Saturday so from Sunday on there should be the daily updates again. I am writing here too, but I'm not writing daily because of the holiday and I still want to enjoy myself, but I am still writing. Hope you all liked this chap. :)
-Cliona xxx

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