Kelly- Chapter One

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Hi, I'm Kelly.

I'm fourteen years old. I live in a home with about ten other kids. My parents were both murdered by some crazy lady who went too school with them. She killed my mum, then my brother, then my dad, then my dad's parents, then my mum's adoptive mother. She was found crying in a church holding my mum's adoptive mums body.

She was thrown in a mental institute.

I never really felt bad that I didn't have a family. It couldn't really be helped by them. It wasn't their fault they were all killed.

I was never told how they were killed though. If asked a few times, but they said my parents died too violently to be told to me.

But then the dreams started.

I look down at myself. I'm not me. I'm my mom. I have two pictures of her, so I know what she looks like. I'm sitting against a tree, my heart racing, my lungs gasping for oxygen. A blonde girl with blood on her hoodie advances towards me with a knife. It's only know notice my hands are clutching my stomach, and a red, sticky liquid is gushing out between my fingers.

It didn't click for a few seconds that it was blood.

I open my mouth to scream.

I wake up at that point, as always.

I've had the same dream since I was little. At first, I used to cry, but I've gotten used to it now. In my mind, however, I'm pretty sure that's how my mum died.

There's another, more recent dream however.

This time, I'm the same blonde girl from my mum's dream. I'm holding a pocket knife, and the man who I recognize as my dad from the few photos I have of him, lays on the floor. Broken glass is sprinkled over him and around him.

In the dream, I can't control my actions, no matter how hard I try. I use one hand to open his mouth, the other slashing at his tongue, until finally, the severed tongue falls loosely in his mouth.

And at that point, I wake up.

These dreams are awful. I can't help thinking they mean something though.

Hey guys! I wonder if Kelly has similar powers to Zoey?
I'll see you in the next chapter!
-Cli xxx

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