best fail in Peter's life

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It was early morning, 4am maybe 5 they didn't know and they didn't care.

It was there first time waking up to each other in decades and they we're going to love the heck out of it; peter groaned as he woke up he blinked at the blaring sun and his eye went wide, this had been the first morning in years that he hadn't woken up showered in his own sweat because of nightmares and he hadn't woken up in the middle of the night. He looked over only to see the cause of that, bucky. Peter smiled, he softly pressed his lips against bucky's; bucky hummed into the kiss and kissed back which surprised peter "g'morning doll" bucky said voice still raspy and his brooklyn accent was heavy which made peter melt. Peter smiled softly at his boyfriend and snuggled his head into his chest "morning jamie" peter muffled voice said, bucky smiled as he cuddled peter in his arms and they were both content being in each other's imbrace.

There sweet moment was cut off by FRIDAY'S voice booming through  the room "sorry to interrupt but boss is looking for spider" Friday said, peter jumped up out he bed and bucky sat up abruptly, peter let out a string of curses as he put on his pants (which he lost in the Battle of sleep) and bucky was making sure he didn't here tony coming to his room. Peter had,, had all his clothes on but left off his mask, he walked over to Bucky and kisses him before sliping on the black spider mask. "Love you" peter said and bucky let out a smile an actual smile.

Peter sneaked to the door and creaked it open making sure no one was around, when he saw the empty hallways he started to make it to his room and thanked what ever god there was that he was right next door. When he got into his room he let out a sigh of relief until... He heard someone clear there throat, peter jumped 2 feet of the ground.... literally he was sticking to the ceiling. Peter looked down wide-eyed which didn't show through the mask but you could Sense he surprise when he saw tiny sitting on his bed arms and legs crossed giving peter a 'what the hell' look; peter slowly climbed of the ceiling and for the first time (since he could remember) he got nervous. He kept fidgeting and he hated how on edge he felt, he always felt in edge during a mission and he always hated that feeling. The feeling that any living moment something could happen and make everything go wrong.

"Hey tony...." Peter said sheepishly "where the hell where you?" Tony asked, peter got pretty close to tony and tony acted like a father some time even though peter is almost decades older then him

"I was uh.." peter really didn't have an answer, he wasn't allowed outside he tower, and he didn't go many places so there wasn't really an answer but the truth

But was peter going to say the truth? No.

I mean how could he? This mysterious mask kid that just happened to swing around with a black and red spandex on that has a Hydra symbol on it which this happens to be their arch nemesis that's trying to take over the world walks into their tower and starts to get therapy there and trying to be on the good guys team and the next thing you know he's dating their oldest avenger I mean how could they take it?!

Possible fight? Getting kicked out? Never design bucky again? Which peter would hate. Or all of the above so...

"I was out...." Peter said in a more questing tune than anything, Tony raised a brow like he wasn't buying it cuz he wasn't "you were out?" Tony asked very suspicious, "yeah I was around up and about the tower that's how It's pretty big so you probably didn't see me so" Peter tried to pull it off, "look kid if you don't want to tell me that's fine but I need to know that you were in the tower and that you were around this floor cuz even though I hate to say this you're still not trusted yet we need to keep an eye on you so try and at least stay on this floor okay tony said"

Peter sighed , I plastered a sympathetic smile on his face "ok thanks tony" he said

Peter and Tony talk to her about 30 minutes and eventually Tony left Peter's room, Peter sighed as he flew onto his bed

"God that was the best fail of my life..."

Hey! I'm on spring break now!!! My school year is over in a few months and I don't have to take map test sooo I have a lot of less stress this year! I have a week long spring break but my grandma is coming to visit so idk if I'm going to update much next week srry!

The chapters are going to be cut down abit but it won't change much again srry

Wc: 873

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