Session 32 |14|

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Friday, 1:58pm
Diior POV

I walking down the side walk passing by all these missing papers with aubreys face on it. It's been six days since he just up and left that one night and there was still no sight of him.

I was so caught up in this mess, my grades have went down a little cause I really couldn't think straight at all. Since then, I've called and blown up his times around 40 times a day. I'm scared that when that when they do find him, he'll be dead.

I got in my car and drove off home. When I got there, there was some extra cars in the front.

I parked up and got out, I went in and it was aubreys mom and grandma then a girl and another boy.

"There she is, this is my daughter Diior. Diior this aubreys sister and brother."  My mom said pulling into the living room.

"Hi, um I know you and my brother been friends. But I had to come and let y'all know important information." His sister said.

I sat down on the couch confused as hell. "Okay.." I trailed off.

"Well um, my brother has these spikes and dreams at times.. specifically about our father. We've noticed that the times when he's stayed with either one of us. I don't know how he gets it cause he's the youngest out of all of us and barely even knew our dad but he will hear his voice in his head but he went to therapy for it and it went away, I don't know if this is it or what triggered it but these dreams and him freaking out his sleep is close to it." She explained.

I looked up at me mom kinda worried. "So what would happen if he continues to act this way?" I asked.

They looked at each other in confusion. "We don't really know that. Back then it wasn't this worse, he would freak out but it wasn't like something to call a bunch of commotion over." His brother added.

"If the police find him and bring him back then what?" My dad asked.

"Most likely if it's as bad as were thinking, he'd have to go to rehab." His mom answered.

I stayed silent and thought to myself. "Is that how he got in a car accident?" I asked then looked at my parents.

"Car accident? Wha- when was this?" His grandma said.

"A while ago.. he normally can drive good. We got in a argument that day and he left out somewhere, he said that he smoked some weed that was spiked." I continued.

"Diior why didn't you tell his parole this?" My mom asked.

"I didn't know that it could've been the cause, it was a while ago and he didn't have any out bursts. I was around him 24/7 and noticed nothing different." I said.

"Maybe at night when he's alone. Aubrey likes his alone time cause that's when he processes things, he could be controlling it around you." His sister said.

"Jacy call the parole, we need to find the person who sold him that shit." My mom said and my dad got the house phone.

I thought to myself and wanted to cry, to know that he was literally fighting his demons and the way he thought it was okay was if he'd  run away.

Aubrey POV

"Go back Aubrey." He said as I was sitting in the hot ass car.

I grabbed a blunt and started smoking it. "Do you hear me boy?! I said go back!" He said getting loud.

"For what?! So you can tell me to go hit a girl I like? Fuck outta here man." I said blowing out smoke.

"Your out in the hot sun in a desert in Nevada, if your gonna run away at least go to a hotel and change your identity. Didn't know I could have a dumb bitch as a son." He complained.

I stayed silent. I haven't slept this whole week I've been gone cause every time I do, this man gets in my head and controls me to do fucked shit to Diior. I can't take it anymore.

"Pops, when you just gonna leave me alone. You been fucking wit my head since I was 14, now that I got a girl in my life you wanna come back and start picking my mind." I said sounding nonchalant.

"Type of father would I be to not show my son the right way through a relationship." He said patting my shoulder.

"You ain't showing me shit, all you've been telling me is how to be a bitch and hit women." I replied.

"Cause all you do is run. You already met Diior multiple times when you were younger and her mom offered you a place to stay and you chose to run." He finished.

It was true, I have met Diior when we was young. That's why I feel like I've known her for so long, apparently she doesn't remember me though.

When her mom offered me a home, that's when I started hearing my dads voice in the back of my head telling me to hit this girl or that girl. So I ran away.

Running away from deep situations like this was my only option. I isolated my self from everyone so I wouldn't hurt anyone.

"If only I was alive to teach you the ways of  a man. If it wasn't for her dad then I would still be here." He said.

I knew Diior dad killed my pops, was I mad? No. He was hurting her mom and I would've done the same thing for a girl I fucked with heavily. That's why I respect him much more than this shit behind me.

"Maybe you should've been alert when he shot you." I scoffed.

He laughed. "If i was still alive that nigga would've been dead before he even knew. I had a plan but he fucked it up."

I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the police passing by me and I started the car. I couldn't go back, ion know when this night finna be on my shoulder but I can't.

2 hours later

It was so damn hot I felt like I was gonna pass out in here, i was sweating like crazy and I drunk all my water.

My phone buzzed next to me and it was Diior. She's been texting me constantly talking about some come home. I clenched my jaw at her recent message.

Diior💗: If you see this, I know why you left and your dream.. your sister came by and told me, if this is what it is can you please come home so we can talk about it? I miss you and wanna make sure your okay.

I didn't know how to feel about that, talking never really been my thing and the police prolly all over there.

Fuck it.

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