The Aftermath

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This is an extended version of the scene in season 7 when Ahsoka leaves her lightsabers at Jesse's grave.

The relationship between Ahsoka and Rex is brother/sister and it's not supposed to be anything else.

I barely edited this and wrote it during school so it probably sucks.

Ahsoka couldn't stop the tears from spilling down her face as she kneeled at Jesse's grave. "Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum." She whispered. It was a saying she had heard clones saying when a clone died. She asked Echo about it once, and he told her that it meant I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.

It was all her fault. If she hadn't let Maul out then the clones wouldn't be dead. They were her friends. Her brothers. And she had failed him like she had failed everyone else. Plo, Echo, Fives, Hardcase, Kix, Padme, Obi-Wan, Anakin, she even failed Rex. She had killed his brothers.

The 501st was gone. Half of it was dead and who knows what happened to the other half. They probably died. And if they didn't, then they'd be slaves to this...Empire, whatever it was.

How could she have failed this spectacularly? This was...this was worse than Ryloth.

Ahsoka suddenly felt a presence from behind her.

"I got a communicator working." Rex said from behind her as she tried to wipe away her tears. "I sent a message to Obi-Wan telling him that we were okay and the fate of the 332nd Company. I also told him to not tell anyone."

"Wait, Obi-Wan is alive?" Ahsoka asked while standing up.

Rex nodded. "He wouldn't tell me what happened to Anakin though. He just looked guilty."

Ahsoka closed her eyes. "Then he is most likely one with the Force or-" her voice cracked.

Rex looked down and frowned. "Well if he's one with the Force then he's in a better place than we are."

"Was letting Maul out worth it?" Ahsoka blurted out, catching Rex off guard.

"I think it was." He said carefully.

"But we traded their lives for our own. I'm supposed to do what is selfless, that's what I was taught to do as a Jedi, but letting Maul out just seems like such a big mistake. That decision cost so many lives." Ahsoka buried her head in her hands.

Rex paused. "You're not a Jedi anymore, Ahsoka."

"Well Jesse seemed to think otherwise." Ahsoka hissed. She didn't mean for it to sound so mean, but it did.

Rex was unsure of how to respond to Ahsoka's coldness, so he said, "I think Jesse would rather be dead than serving whatever the galaxy has become."

Ahsoka sighed. "You're probably right, but everything is just going so fast and I can't process it. I just need to get off this kriffing moon."

"Where would you go? You'd be hunted down. I can't let that happen. You're—you're my vod." Rex felt tears wriggle their way out of his eyes.

"And yet I couldn't save your brothers." Ahsoka said coldly.

Rex was at a loss for words. Was this really what Ahsoka was thinking? He finally knew what to say. "Don't blame yourself for their deaths. If they had killed you and then removed their chips then they would've felt guilty and who knows where that would lead. Just, go into hiding. I'll go into hiding somewhere else. The Emperor may be in control of the galaxy but he doesn't control every person in the galaxy, and he never will."

Ahsoka nodded slowly. "I have a feeling we'll see each other at some point."

"Oh, I know we will. There's no doubt about it." Rex laughed.

Ahsoka smiled. "I couldn't have asked for a better family."

"Neither could I."

"Till we meet again, Rexster."

"Of course, Commander."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes when Rex called her Commander, then the two of them nodded at each other before Rex turned to leave and take the ship they used to get off the Tribunal.

The Togruta turned around to look at all the graves, and she grabbed her lightsabers off her belt. She held them in her hand, closed her eyes and remembered her family. It was all she had left of them.










Plo Koon






Most of those people were dead, but that didn't mean that they weren't her family. Family is forever.

Ahsoka let her lightsabers fall out of her hands. Even though everything good was gone, that didn't mean that she couldn't do what was right. And no one could stop her from doing that.

Did you get the WandaVision reference? I couldn't help myself.

Also I have forgiven Barriss which is why she's on that list and I'm pretty sure Ahsoka says that she forgives Barriss at some point. Plus not being a Jedi seems like a good way to know what your friend was saying and why they did what they did.

Yeah so this is probably terrible. I'm not very happy with it.

Review if you want to please.

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