chapter 14 :being alive and living.

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you know that feeling you get when you meet a really beautiful person and think that they are one of most beautiful people that you've ever seen,you kind of get butterflies just looking at them,but suddenly when you get to know them,their beauty seems to fade away,with the moon,or you hear things about them that seem to be unimaginable because "how can such beauty,be so ugly".that beauty suddenly changes because you now know the difference between seeing a beautiful face and actually knowing what kind of person that face belongs to..

In this chapter I really want to touch on the different issues that lead to people being mislead by their eyes,friends,family and sometimes even by themselves. But before I move on to that I'd like to elaborate on what I actually mean when I say 'the big difference' and yes,its the usual "deep" thoughts that I tend to have once a while,so the big difference is really just about how something that seems beautiful,can actually be ugly,how something you see might not even be what's standing before you,or how the strongest person you know could actually be the weakest person you've ever come across.

Now,moving onto my case,like I've already mentioned,people can actually mislead themselves,as in people literally lie to themselves simply because it suits them best,and that's one of the major issues that we have to face in life,I mean we go on and on with our lives,and forget that its not just about being alive and doing everything you have to do,its about living and to be honest that's the major difference between living and being alive,but unfortunately,there are so many young people who are simply alive but their lives lack substance and they just seem to be blowing in whatever direction the wind allows them to,there's a lack of moral substance within ourselves that we all just seem to overlook and that we all seem to not want to face,but unfortunately that's not how life works,at some point we will all be forced to face our deepest fears and stop misleading ourselves into believing things that aren't true about ourselves.

We tend to see so many things with our eyes,and half the time you only have to look at something once before knowing if its ugly or pretty or if its good or simply bad,but that's the problem,humans don't take their time to examine situations or even people,simply because there isn't enough time to care about what might happen next. I am one of the meanest people,but for some strange reason I can't be mean to people who aren't my friends or who I don't know,and although my friends may say I'm mean,I know that its only because I have a strange way of showing them my love. The secret behind that is simple,you don't know what the person is going through,and yes,that doesn't exempt me from being mean to those close to me but I'd rather be mean to people who understand me rather than those who don't and will get hurt,that's the big difference.

One should never deceive themselves about anything in life,because the moment you master the art of deceiving yourself,you will loose out on things that you can't ever gain back simply because you don't deserve the second chance anyway,like I had said in past chapters,the tide waits for no man and therefore we need to realise the more we live,the more time runs out.

So I said in the beginning of this chapter that the strongest person you know could possibly be the weakest person you've ever come across,what I mean by this is simply that there are many factors that shoulD be considered before determining how strong someone is,I mean if your physically strong,yet you are so addicted to something and your entire being revolves around that certain thing,than already that tells me that you are weak,not because you love something,but because there is an object/thing that controls your life.

The problem is that we miss out on so many opportunities because we keep lying to ourselves, out families keep lying to us, we keep seeing unimportant things and thinking that they are important,but the funny thing is that those things will remain when you die,they aren't going anywhere,and they will wait for you,that's the difference,time will not wait for you,but alcohol,parties,social networks,love,all of those things will never go anywhere,but time moves,and the difference between someone that knows that and one who acknowledges this is time,time that none of us.,that's the difference between being alive and living.

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