Chapter 5: Unique

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"Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior,but nobody is equal either,people are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I"


It is so easy for us to look at the next person and think that their lives are far better than the lives that we have, we look at other people and think that perhaps we can be just like them, we aspire to be just like other people because we are unable to appreciate just how great our own lives are, seeing greatness in the lives of other people is easier simply because we truly do not know every detail, and every struggle of the person that is next to us, or even the ones that we see on social media, it becomes easy for us to think that the lives of others are not filled with any of the struggles that we have, because wanting a better life and better things in life is truly part of being human but unfortunately that has led to the death of many of us. You are you, I am me.

As glamorous as the lives of the people that we see on social media may appear to be, we need to always take a moment, pause and ask ourselves, how many times have we ever posted our problems on social media, how many of us have ever shared a post of ourselves crying and just telling the world just how unhappy we truly are. I for one,am more often than not always smiling on my pictures, always experiencing new things, places and having the time of my life, but this is not however my experience with life, I too, just like the next person experience hardship and sometimes do not always feel like being a source of inspiration for those around me. So it then makes no sense that I expect that at all times those who are on my social media as well will share their bad life experiences, this is something that we need to think about whenever we compare ourselves to other people.

When we compare ourselves to other people we start to see our lives and our achievements as having been insufficient, it no longer becomes sufficient to us that we have achieved so many things, we start to want to achieve more than what we already have and what we have achieved not because that is truly what we long for but because we see other people in possession of things that we do not have,and we start to long for it. This is not healthy.

When we start to understand that all of our desires will never be identical, and that we are all unique in our own right then we are a step closer to being our truest selves. It is important that we understand that we are enough just as we are, we are have the lives that are designed for us, and we are the ones that can shape the direction of our lives, we are in control.

Our differences are exactly what make us beautiful, the fact that we are different and unique is what makes us interesting not only to the next person but also to ourselves.

Who we are should and is not determined by what we lack and what others have, but it is determined by our uniqueness, our ability to live in a world that is forever changing and that is forever trying  to make us people that we are not and our ability to stay true to ourselves, to our goals and to the people that we see ourselves as.

It is important that all of us learn to appreciate ourselves for the people that we are, that we are able to understand that we are all magic and magical beyond what this world says and tells us. We need not to seek validation from the world or to let the world determine the people that we are and the people that we will become.

let us always remember that the best love that we can give to ourselves is love from the self, and let us always remember that there is no other us in this world, there is not a single human, creature or specimen that is like us, we are all different, we are all unique and that is what makes us so beautiful 

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