Fazbear Deep

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That's all the gang knew for five days as they lay on the soft, cold sand, completely tired. "Five... days..." Bonnie whimpered, tired. Freddy, Chica, and Foxy looked at him in complete agreement. "We've been trapped on this island for five days..." Freddy explained. "Captain.. we know that..." Foxy remarked. Chica rubbed her stomach, hungry. The worst part of this for her? She couldn't have her pizza. As the rest of the gang knew, she loved pizza a lot. "W-We've gotta eat something.." Freddy whimpered

"W-We need food... or else we're gonna s-starve..." Freddy whimpered himself. "M-Maybe... we can get that coconut... in that tree-!" Bonnie pointed to a large pack of coconuts in a tree. Everyone looked at it, trying to determine whether or not this was a good idea. "What?" Chica asked, "Yes, see that tree up there... Maybe go up there, get that coconut... then we can drink its milk and eat the coconut.." Bonnie explained. Chica nodded, realizing what game the bunny was playing, maybe it wouldn't be so bad...

Nevermind, it was awful. The entire edge of pressure was on the chicken as she climbed the tree. "Go! Go! Go!" Foxy chanted from below, "Come on, Chica, you can do it!" Bonnie nodded in agreement, then the chicken looked down. "I JUST REMEMBERED I'M AFRAID OF HEIGHTS!!" Chica screamed, before falling off the tree onto the unsuspecting fox.

"Chica, what was that for?!" Foxy yelped, angrily. "I'm sorry, Foxy, I'm afraid of heights!" She whimpered. "Your just overweight. I'm a pirate, I can climb faster" Foxy mumbled. He then climbed, getting farther than Chica did. "Okay, I'm up here guys!" Foxy yelled from above. "Careful, Foxy, you could fall!" Freddy warned. "I'm a pirate, gosh darn it!" He yelped, before seeing the coconut. "Now... how am I gonna get this?" He questioned, before grabbing the coconut in a massive swing.

"GOT IT!" He yelped excitedly. Unfortunately for the fox, he forgot he was still on top of the tree before letting go. Instantly, the fox screamed as he plummeted and landed square on his face in a bush. "Erm.." He said, confused. Suddenly, he heard a low growl. Suddenly, he felt something bite his leg. He soon realized too late it was a tiger. Suddenly, the tiger pulled the fox down into the bush and started its attack...

Later, the gang was covered in bite marks and bruises. "Darn it, Foxy!" Chica yelled angrily, "You caused a white tiger to come and eat us all!" "Well, I'm sorry! I didn't know tigers could live on this island!" Foxy protested. "Ugh.. you have excuses for everything," Chica said angrily. "Well, where's the coconut" Freddy asked, hopefully.

"....the tiger ate it" The fox admitted, sheepishly.

"WHAT-! DARN IT FOX-! UGH, STUPID TIGER!" Freddy facepalmed angrily. "Well, we gotta drink something.." Bonnie whined. "M-Maybe.. we could swim in the ocean to kill some time" Foxy suggested. "Swim in the ocean?" Chica asked. "Swim in the ocean...? That does sound like fun- Okay, fine." Freddy smirked.

Foxy hopped into the water, before arising happily. "This is nice water...." He said, calmly. Freddy and Chica were next to each other. "Alright, you guys do that, I'm taking a tan!" Bonnie smiled, before relaxing. "Hey, Chica? Guess what?" Freddy asked, before splashing her. "Haha! Stop splashing, Freddy!" She laughed.


That was Bonnie's voice... "What?" Chica asked, before diving under the water... and saw it. A shark coming toward all four members. She let out a gargled scream. "IT'S A GREAT WHITE! COME ON FOXY LETS GET OUT OF THE WATER!!" Chica yelled, she and Foxy made it back to shore. Freddy, however, wasn't so lucky, as the shark bit onto his leg, accidentally tearing it.

Freddy made it back to shore after that, he looked at Foxy distastefully. "Nice job, Foxy! You made a shark eat my leg off!" He blamed. "Sorry...." That was all Foxy could muster. "Look, we're dying of hunger here!" Freddy tried to brainstorm. "And I'm hungry for carrots.." Bonnie said, sadly. "And pizza..." Chica added. "Chica, you need to go on a diet, starting NOW" Freddy ordered. "Awww... but Freddy-" Chica started to complain. "You'll be grounded if you don't!" Freddy finished. "Aww fine..." She said sadly. "Look, we have to eat something. It can be anything!" Bonnie said.

Freddy Fazbear and Friends: RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now