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Springtrap drove the car, music thumping and thriving in the background. "So uhh... Springtrap? How do you think this walk is gonna go?" Foxy asked on the shotgun. "I don't know, Foxy. But I think it's gonna be okay..." Springtrap answered. "Are you sure? Because people get lost in those woods!" Carl the Cupcake, Chica's best friend, protested. "I assure you, we're gonna be fine!" Springtrap yelled, a bit annoyed now. "Fine..." Carl said as he and Foxy looked at the woods, worried.

Springtrap looked at the gate, which said CLOSED. "Hol' on, that gate is closed! We're gonna have to go through the back! Come on!!" "I have a bad feeling about this..." was all Cupcake said.

And with that, Springtrap ran to the outskirts. "All right! Lets go!" He got out and ran off. Foxy followed in pursuit, but Cupcake trembled. "Guys! Wait! Why are we going so far!?" Cupcake yelled. Foxy stopped, and turned toward Cupcake. "Springtrap said we needed to go through that gate because the other one is closed!" Foxy answered. "We could just... uhh.... ram into the gate with the truck!" Cupcake tried to make a excuse not to walk. "I'm not getting arrested because of you, Cupcake!" Foxy yelled before running off. "Whatever..." Cupcake mumbled, before following.  Foxy continued running, but hit a thorn bush. "Yow!!" He then noticed the others walking off, "HEY GUYS, WAIT UP!" He continued running.

"This is a little bit freaky..." Foxy whimpered as he walked. "Are you sure you know where we're going?" Cupcake asked. "Uhh... yeah we're doing fine! Just keep going straight! The place should be up ahead! Just keep going forward!" Springtrap instructed.

However, Foxy hit yet another branch, making him lose sense of direction. "OW! ow... huh?" Foxy turned and saw a massive gate. "Who left this gate opened!?" Foxy screamed. Suddenly, Cupcake's voice could be heard in that direction. "Foxy! We went through this gate!" Cupcake could be heard yelling. "I guess so..." Foxy sighed before trailing on.

He made his way through the dirty snow. "I shouldn't be doing this..." He hummed to himself. "We're at the lake!" Foxy yelled when he did realize where they were. He looked at it, and sighed happily. "This reminds me of the sea.. Almost." He was about to head back when he saw... "A fire land? Dang it, if it was spring I'd light a fire! I would swim in that lake but I can't because it was winter! I guess its no matter, because-!" Suddenly, Foxy slammed into a tree, as his body was in pain from the first two crashes, he fell backward, vibrating as he moaned and passed out...

Foxy awoke, his head throbbing. "Yargh... Where am I? Where'd I come from? Where'd I go!? Can't I go-!" He remembered everything, "Huh?! Cupcake!! Springtrap!? Where are you guys!!" He panicked as he ran off in search for his partners.  Foxy suddenly ran across a playground, with a branch on top of a bench. He remembered the bench being still. "Huh? I don't remember that being on the branch! How long was I out!? Have I been stuck here for... days?" Foxy realized the cold truth... He was lost. "GUYS! HELP ME! I'M LOST!" Foxy screamed into the void. Foxy realized nobody was coming before sprinting. He was left behind... He sprinted, crying, panting, and trying to come up with a plan at the same time. "Get me out of here!! Help! Help!" The fox screamed to anybody close by. He then realized he stepped in the water.

"Ew! Springtrap! Cupcake! ....Freddy! Chica! ....mommy!" Foxy tried calling anybody, but he finally sighed and kicked the dirt. "Face it! I'm lost now! I'm gonna be stuck here forever. Nothing but this dirty lake! This wet snow! The bad weather! I'm gonna be stuck here forever!"  Foxy realized he could try to make the best of it. "Maybe... I need a bath... This is- BATHING AREA RULES!?" He read the sign.


No motorized vehicles, except emergency and maintenance vehicles, shall be permitted in the bathing area during its use.

Boating, Water Skiing, Sail boating, Windsurfing, Scuba Diving, or Surf boarding shall be permitted in the swimming and bathing area while in use.

Rope drops shall not be permitted except those licensed and inspected by the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to N.J.S.A 5-3-3 Through 55

However, Foxy read the sign heavily wrong before kicking the dirt angrily. "Ugh! Only vehicles are allowed!" Foxy walked off sadly. "If I was lost in a lake, where would I be?" He asked himself, before seeing a undercover area next to some destroyed playground equipment  "Over there! They have to be over there!" Foxy ran into it.

"Springtrap! Cupcake! Freddy! Bonnie..... Toy Bonnie?" Foxy called as he was in there. He then sighed, realizing they weren't there at all. "Argh! They really did leave me behind! Now what? I don't remember where the path is! Now there's nothing here but destroyed playground equipment! I can't even slide down the slide because its covered in snow! I hope it melts fast.. Spring is only in a day or so..." Foxy stopped. He realized he needed to find one thing... food.

"But what can I do... There's gotta be something out here for food!" Foxy then saw something... A BARBECUE. He gasped with joy and ran over, only to be met with a disappointment. "AW MAN! THE BARBECUE IS FROZEN!" He yelled. He then saw something, A dumpster.

Foxy knew he usually wouldn't resort to such... misdemeanors, but... He ran into the dumpster and looked at it. "...Its empty!!! Theres nothing here but leaves, water, snow, or some liquid! Not even a single bit of food!" Foxy sobbed, however, he hit another branch. "UGH! NATURE!" He ran off, crying.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, Springtrap and Cupcake were not having luck finding their friend.

"FOXY! FOXY, WHERE ARE YOU???!!!" Cupcake called out, before Springtrap walked up to him. "Did you find Foxy, lil' pest?" Springtrap asked. "No! I didn't! and don't call me a pest! This is freaky! He might be lost behind us-!" Suddenly, Cupcake fell onto some ice. "Ahh! Ice! My worst enemy of being a cupcake.. Ice sucks... " Cupcake whined. "I'm gonna go to the lake.. You go look for him" Springtrap sighed, before walking off, calling Foxy's name along the way.

Springtrap came to the forest as he got hit by a branch and blew a fuse. "COME ON, NATURE! STOP MESSING WITH ME! AND BRING ME BACK THE FOX!" Springtrap screamed, before walking across the leg. "This shouldn't be that difficult! We need to find Foxy! Unless he drowned or something... I'm gonna try ONE. MORE. TIME!'


Meanwhile, Foxy had given up all sign of hope as he sighed sadly. He had fell to his knees, tired.

" FOXY!!!"

Foxy jumped and turned, as he realized that sounded like Springtrap. "SPRINGTRAP!?" He screamed back. "ARE YOU THERE!?" Springtrap replied. Foxy had gotten so excited. He jumped up instantly. "I think that's him!!" Foxy ran.

"FOXY!" Springtrap called and the two made their way to each other meeting in the undercover area. "Foxy? Where have you been!? I've been searching everywhere!" Springtrap yelled. Foxy had some words of his own.

"My God. Words cannot describe how... angry I am at you! I've been stuck in this forest for days!" Foxy screamed, angrily. "Umm... son, how do I say this? You've been lost for 2 hours. And your not lost, the path is OVER THERE." Springtrap explained, pointing to where Foxy just was, and the path was indeed over there. "...WHAT?" Foxy yelled, angrily.

"Yeah! We had just stopped to set up camp when you went lost! We spent the entire picnic time looking for you! Good job! Its your fault our picnic time was wasted!" Springtrap accused, Foxy was too tired to take the blame. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PICNIC ANYMORE! LETS JUST GO HOME!" Foxy went back to the car. "Jeez, what's his problem?" Cupcake asked.

Foxy slammed the car door in anger. "Ugh, this is ridiculous!" He yelled, before sitting down and turning toward Springtrap and Cupcake. He sighed.

"Lets just go home and forget this ever happened!"

Freddy Fazbear and Friends: RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now