Bonnie's Birthday Surprise!

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(AUTHORS NOTE: Yoyo! I needed to let you know I did shrink some of this episode, because some of it was kinda pointless to add, so if what you saw in the episode didn't appear here, that's why :3 -AIEchidna)
Bonnie was sleeping as the bear came into the room. "Alright, today is a special day... Today... is Bonnie's 30th Birthday. All right, your gonna have to make grand entrance on this! Good gravy, I'm so excited!" The bear opened the door as it creaked into the sleeping bunny's room. "Good morning, Bonnie..." Freddy said, softly.

"Er..." Bonnie started to wake. "Bonnie... Bonnie..." Freddy tapped on Bonnie's shoulder. Bonnie finally woke up, stretching and yawning, before facing the smiling Freddy. "Yes, Freddy...?" Bonnie asked, not remembering what the date was. "Happy Birthday, Bonnie!" Freddy said, softly. "Wait, its my birthday today...?" Bonnie sat up. "Yep! Your turning 30 years old today!" Freddy said, smiling. "Ah.. Awesome. Finally the day has come, Summer is almost here, Cars 3 is gonna be released in a week or so. This is just gonna be a good month for me." Bonnie listed, before standing. "I hope you have a good birthday." Freddy said, patting his back. "Okay, I'm gonna go get ready..." Bonnie walked off. "Alright, now time to check on Chica!"


Freddy slid down the stairs, jumped, and walked down to check on Chica. "She wants me to see her. I forgot about that." Freddy walked into the kitchen, seeing Chica, who was making the cake."Hey, Freddy!" Chica waved. "Oh hey, Chica, how is your morning going?" Freddy said. "It's pretty good! I got the supplies like you wanted!" Chica referred. Freddy inspected the items. "I see that- What? Chica, Bonnie doesn't like chocolate!" The bear yelped when he saw the chocolate mix. "Eh, he told me his likes this brand though!" Chica said. "Betty Crocker... Devil's Food..." Freddy read. "I heard this was really good chocolate!" "Yeah, Bonnie likes this kind!" Chica explained. "Okay, so I might as well make it now-!" Freddy started. "Wait, Freddy!"


"I'm a bit... worried" Chica said. "Why? Worried about what?" Freddy asked. "I'm still a bit... upset about him ruining my birthday..." Chica answered. "Nonono, Chica," Freddy shut her down, "Just don't ruin Bonnie's birthday. I know he ruined your cake, but please just try and be nice to him and he'll be nice to you."


"Should I start working on the cake?" Chica asked. "Yes! Ill be back shortly!" Freddy walked off to observe the rest. A few hours later, Chica had nearly finished the cake, she wiped her brow in accomplishment. "There we are! That looks pretty good!"

Suddenly, a knock came to the door. "Oh! Toy Bonnie's here!" Chica said, excitedly as she opened the door. "Come in!" "Okay! What did you need me for, why'd ya call me?" Toy Bonnie asked, walking in. "I called ya here because I need your help with making Bonnie's cake!" Chica answered. "Wait, you need help on making Bonnie's birthday cake? I'm really good at baking! I think I can do it!"

Toy Bonnie grabbed the cake batter, pouring in the chocolate mix into a orange bowl scented with some flowers. Chica added in some garlic, keeping it wet. She then added in one cup of water. Toy Bonnie cracked 2 eggs, then put them into the bowl. "This is cracking me up!" Toy Bonnie joked. "just... No, Toy Bonnie. I'm gonna put the last egg in..." Chica said as she put the last egg into the mix.

"Alright! Now we gotta mix it up!" Toy Bonnie instructed. "Alright, Ill do it!" Chica started. "I'm gonna do it because.... uhh.... your not very stable." Toy Bonnie said it in a polite way as he mixed the ingredients together, making a soft chocolate-flavored swirl.

Toy Bonnie poured the contents from the bowl and added it in. "Can't wait to feast on this beastly pig!" Toy Bonnie chuckled. "Me neither!" Chica added. "Chica, you picked out the good stuff!" Toy Bonnie said. "After we get the cake in! We have to put it in the oven for thirty minutes!" Chica instructed. "Hey, you don't mind if I stay over for the party do you?" Toy Bonnie asked, politely. "Sure you can! Freddy wouldn't mind!" Chica said. Toy Bonnie sat down. "Ah, today is gonna be a nice day!" Toy Bonnie snickered.

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