Do I like her?

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To clear the confusion, when shavonna said "i walked up to this crazy big house" in the last chapter, although she's been there before, she never really took the time to actually look at it..

Anyway, this chapter is a filler.. it should answer some of the unanswered questions yall asked about.

Shavonnas Pov

Ugh, i really don't feel like getting up. its maddd work. Other than that my bro's supposed to be here right now...he probably in his room or something. I fell asleep before he came.

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen to get something to eat

"I'm sorry i have to work all week so we cant go Christmas shopping or anything, until the weekend! i promise. We're going to NY for new years so we can see the ball drop if you didn't know! your father probably forgot i tell you. You can bring your friends...if you have any. "

i sighed. "OF COURSE." I went up to where my brothers room is supposed to be, i opened the door and someone tackled me from behind

"UGH" if this nigga doesn't get off of me

"DIONNNNNN !!!!!!!"

"Wassup vonna?! i missed you man! i cant believe i just said that .__. ew. on second thought i didn't miss your dusty ass to be honest. just saying anyway I'm glad I'm here for Christmas break!"

"Missed you too" i chuckled

for like an hour we chilled and reminisced on new york times and all of that. i cant wait till i go there for the new years. i missed the brick weather, the dumb ass tourists, the atmosphere in general. most of all...i miss him. yeah..i know kinda unbelievable after what he did to me. did i ever tell y'all? i don't think i did.


Spring break 2011 i got dressed for a party and waltzed out the door and into my boyfriend Sean's bmw. Everything was cool, everyone was hype for summer, the drinks were AIIGHT. i don't drink though. too young. I noticed Sean was drinking WAYYY to much

"Sean! chill on the drinks "

"you don't fucking tell me what to do. leave me the hell alone"

"PAUSE. who the FUCK are you cursing at ?"

"Shavonna, i told you . leave me the fuck alone right now. damn. a nigga is tryina have fun !"

"have fun by yourself ass whole" Storming off fumed. i trotted to the bathroom, i did my buisness and walked out when i got pulled in to a room? kay.

"look baby I'm sorry, " Sean said

his breath smelled like shit

"whatever Sean I'm over it." i started to walk out the room

"You don't leave until i say you can, where the fuck to you think you're going? i'll be damned if i let my girl leave me by myself, especially tonight. fuck outta here little girl. get ya ass on the bed. NOW" he said, while forcefully grabbing my wrist causing me to turn around.

"I dont wanna talk right now, not with you like this."

"who said we were gonna talk ? ....get on the bed"

"i don't want to. "

he pushed me onto the bed forcefully kissing my neck unbuttoning my pants

"STOP! please. don't do this. pleasee"

"if you do what i tell you, this wont hurt at all."

pushing him off of me, i ran out the room in tears. causing a scene

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