Part 2:

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Hey! Quick explanation! (This is my take on it so I apologise)
Omegas are the only rank that get heats. Beats and Alphas get ruts which are usually activated by the pheromones an Omega emits while in heat. There are pills to surpress rut and heat but they are extremely different to eachother. If an Alpha takes a heat suppressant, their rut worsens and the same for an Omega taking a rut suppressant. Heat suppressants are of a  higher price compared to rut suppressants so Omegas usually prefer the traditional method of mating. Male and Female Omegas and Betas can get pregnant.

That's all!♡

Deku's POV:
He parked his car outside his mother's house. It was a nice, decent sized cottage surrounded by flowers and apple trees that he and his mother had planted. He got out of the car, walked to the passenger side, opened the door and lifted a sleeping Kacchan out of his seat. He then locked the car and walked to the front door, unlocking it. He walked straight (gay) through the house only stopping to take his shoes off. He walked through the living area. His mother was doing the dishes and turned around as he walked in. She noticed Bakugo and looked shocked. He mouthed 'One second' before going into the spare room and laying Bakugo on the bed. He walked back into the living space to see his mother trying to start up the gas stove.

"I'll do that!" He said walking over and fiddling with the dials.

30 minutes later, they were talking and laughing while he cooked and she cleaned. He heard a shuffling noise and so did his mother. They turned to face the source of the noise. Bakugo walked out of the spare room, his hair a mess and a bit of drool hung at the corner of his mouth.

"I'll keep an eye on that, sweetheart!" Inko spoke, walking over to the stove as Deku made his way over to the blond.

"Sleep well?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah," Bakugo yawned, stretching.

"Here," He said, grabbing a hairbrush and sitting on the couch, patting next to him to tell Bakugo to sit down.

Bakugo did as he was told. Deku began to brush through the blond locks when Bakugo's usual caramel scent hit his nostrils. It was much stronger than usual but Deku told himself it was probably because the boy just woke up. His mother walked over with 2 cups of tea for the 2 lads. As she turned away, Bakugo slipped something into his hand before taking his cup. He gave Baku a confused look but Baku mouthed 'don't read it here' He was still confused, but put the paper in his pocket. He picked up his cup and took a sip. His mother sat in the armchair across the table from the couch and talked to Bakugo, mainly about how auntie was and stuff of the sort. He stood up and excused himself to go to his room. He then walked into his room and locked the door. He sat on his bed and took the paper out, uncrumpling and reading it.
(Blah blah)

'That's why his scent was so strong!' He thought, reaching into his school bag and taking his results and unfolded them.
Name: Midorya, Izuku

There was a knock on his door.

"One second!" He called, standing up and walking to the door to unlock it.

It was Katsuki.

"Auntie told me to get you," Baku said.

"Goin' now. Here" he said, passing Katsuki both result sheets.

He walked into the living space.

"Can you set the table please sweetie? For four people, I invited Mitsuki!" Inko said, standing at the stovetop, mixing the saucepan.

"Ok mom!" He said, going to get placemats.

Baku's POV:
He shoved his results into his pocket and unfolded the sheet Izuku passed him. 'These are his results?' He though, reading to the results.

Results&Status: Alpha

"A-alpha?!" He whisper-shouted to himself. He folded the sheet back up and walked to the main room.
There was a knock on the door.

"Ah! Katsuki, darling. Can you answer it for me please?" Inko asked.

"Yes Auntie!" He said, walking to the door and unlocking it.

"Hey brat!"

"Old hag"

They walked together back into the main room.

"Do you need help with anything, Auntie?" He asked, walking over to Inko.

"You could help Izuku set the table and help him with drinks," She answered.

He nodded and walked over to Izuku to offer help. He didn't know why but being around Izuku calmed him down. He made him feel safe. They worked together to make lemonade. They had plenty of time to talk while doing so.

"I would've thought you'd be an Alpha with your personality," Izuku whispered while adding the sugar.

"I would've thought a nerd like you would be an Omega. We're practically opposites of what people would assume." He whispered back, mixing.

They joked for a while while they finnished making the lemonade.

They food was nearly ready so they sat down at the same side of the table.

They food was nearly ready so they sat down at the same side of the table

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(^ the seats)

They got into a debate about which kind of meat is the best.

"Steak is better than chicken and lamb combined!" Mitsuki said, sitting down.

"Oh yeah! Only if it's medium rare!" He shouted, starting an argument over how to properly cook steak.

"Ahem!" Inko's voice cut over him and hia mother. "Chicken is the best meat and if you support this 'medium rare chicken' trend, I will intentionally give you food poisoning!" She said cheerfully.

3rd POV:
They dug in. It was honey glazed ham and roasted potatoes.( I've made myself hungry just writing that TwT).
They talked while they ate. Just casual conversations. Baku and Izu gossiping about their classmates and Mitsu and Inko were talking about when they were younger. When the plantes were cleared, Inko cleared her throat and begun...

"I got an e-mail from the school saying you got your test results today. Mind sharing?"

Deku's POV:
He looked over at Bakugo who passed him back his results as He un-crumpled his own. He unfolded his and put it face down on the table. Baku copied. Both women picked their son's sheet up and read it before swapping. When they had read them both thoroughly, they looked shocked. The boys explained that they were shocked aswell when they found out.

All of a sudden, Bakugo ran out of the room.

He Was In Shock-Dekubaku (Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now