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People have my desired hero rank for them

My dorm is next to bakugou's dorm room

I speak fluent japanese

If i say my safe word and do my safe action i will only shift back if i really intend to or want to

I have amazing handwriting in both japanese and english

For the UA entrance exam they only show top 10 places and i was first with 100 villain points and 80 rescue points

I am in the deku squad

Shinso joins the bakusquad a week after he comes to our class

When i shift it will be morning in my desired reality

I can read japanese

I am the smartest in UA

Everything in my desired reality is exactly how i desire it to be

I pass every class

I know where the villain base is after a month of being at UA

I always do the best during hero training

No villains can take me down

I am the one to beat all for one

I am good at rapping

I can easily wash and style my hair

I will become the number 1 hero

My children have my desired quirks for each of them

Everything is 3D

Everyone looks realistic

Everything looks realistic

I am in class 1-A

I sit in front of Shoto Todoroki in homeroom

School starts on April 5th 2021 in the mha universe

Everyone speaks english

My quirk is easy to use

No one can steal my quirk

No one can copy my quirk

I am free from any quirk malfunctions

I am immune to period cramps

I only have my period on the weeks i desire to have it (for realism)

I know how to deal with my period

I always have moisturized lips

I am free from any skin imperfections

My subconscious fills in things the right way how i intend for them to be

I am free from gaining weight

I can shift back to my original reality whenever i want

I have my script in my desired reality and i can edit it whenever i want and the changes will take place immediately

I control what my clone does in my original reality

My clone is healthy while i am in my desired reality

I always shift to the correct reality

Using my quirk is easy for me

I am rich in my desired reality

My hair always looks perfect

People from my desired reality cant see my script

I always know what time and day it is in my original reality

My MHA shifting scriptWhere stories live. Discover now