What more can I lose?

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VIDEO BY: Slyfer2812

The video starts with Rocket trying to make conversation with Thor in a ship "So dead Brother Huh, yeah that can be annoying?"

"Damn it, Rocket." exclaims an exasperated Quill.

"What, What'd I do?" asks a startled Rocket looking around at everyone

"I am Groot," answered Groot with a shrug

Gamora puts her hand on Quill's shoulder and shakes her head at him tell him to just let it go.

The video continues with Thor at an Asgardian party, then switches to Heimdall lying on the ground injured before returning to Rocket inquiring about Thor's sister and dad. Thor replies, "both dead," looking down sadly.

Loki subtly shifts a bit closer to his brother, not quite touching but comforting none the less

neither of them says anything about it

A Shot of space is shown with Odin saying "I love you my sons" over it, then sitting with Thor and Loki and telling them "look at that" and pointing off in the distance. The scene changes to Thor in the throne room of Asgard, and Odin's voice-over continues with "remember this place. Home." It switches again to Odin turning to stardust as Loki and Thor can do nothing but watch.

"Wait, your dad just turned to pixie dust," asked Tony. Howard looked over-curious about the answer as well. Before Thor or Loki could say anything, Pepper stepped in Tony's foot and hissing in his ear about manners and tact.

Once Tony was paying attention again, Thor explained that when they got old there energy dissipated into the universe to find its way to Valhalla.

The video resumes back in the ship with a somber Thor answering Rockets, "still got a mom though?" with "killed by a dark elf," then a shot of her funeral and a clip of the dark elf stabbing her.

Now Loki does shift close enough to be touching Thor, a tight grip on his wrist as he leans over to say, "I should have been there" Thor does not rise to the argument Loki is trying to instigate and says, "you know why you weren't" and keeps watching

"I can still save you," Thor's voice says over a clip of Odin standing on the cliff where he died, then a white-eyed Heimdall clutching Thor's face saying "we are all dead" before it switches to Rocket inquiring about a best friend to which Thor replies "Stabbed through the heart."

"No," Thor mutters under his breath at that Loki slackens the hold he has on his wrist and pats it soothingly.

The Scene goes to Heimdall lying in a burning ship with his voice saying, "can you not see" over it. He clutches at his side and groans as someone walks next to him. It's revealed to be Thanos as he says, " I know what it's like to lose, To feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail" as it alternates clips of Thanos walking in the ship's ruble and Thor walking in palace Ruble. Thor stares down at his face on the broken ceiling before looking up in despair.

"What happened there?" questions Fury, but no one answers, so he turns back to the screen.

The video continues with Heimdall talking to Thor at the Asgard party again, saying, "I see you leading us to hell, wake up," while clutching his throat. It rapidly changes to Loki being Stabbed by a dark elf and thor despairing over it, then Heimdall helping Asgardians flee in the palace archways as Thor is heard saying, "I need you to help me" as Heimdall stops to listen. Thor's close-up saying "help me see" changes to Thor coming done from the sky radiating lightning.

"You look badass, man," clint shouts, leaning forward to get a better look.

"year Mr.Thor, that's awesome." agrees Peter

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