Part 2 - So He's My Father

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Part 2 - So He's My Father

Minato's pov

Hi my name is Minato Namikaze and yes I am the froth hokage. That was until I died in the third shinobi war but now I am a 6 years old kid. I was given a mission from Kami himself to protect my son, Naruto but sadly I don't know what I am protecting him from though. Anyway right now I am hoping from roof to roof to get to the hokage tower.

When I was hoping roof to roof I saw a yellow flash that was zooming through the streets, I almost lost my footing because it shocked and surprised me because that was my jutsu that I made and I should be the only one to use it. When I got out of my shocked and surprised state I quickened my pace to the hokage's office and also if you are wondering why I am not doing the yellow well it's because I don't want anyone to know me I mean I already look like my old young self.

Right now I am in front of the hokage office lifting my hand to knock on the door but before I could even do that I heard a "come in". When I entered the room I heard a loud voice say "welcome to Kohana dattebayo!" while blowing a party horn. I was just there shocked and surprised again with so many things going in my mind.

When I got out of that state I saw a blonde boy waving his hand in front of me saying "hello is there anyone there?" I then quickly said "oh, sorry I was just shocked is all" the boy in front of me then said "it's fine! Anyway my name is Naruto Uzumaki dattebayo!" with a cute big smile and my face instantly turned red and thought "wait what am I saying! He is my son for god sake!".

After I calmed myself I said "Hi my name is Minato Na-Katō and I am from Konoha in another world" "Whoa that was close I almost said my last name I hope no one noticed" I thought. I then looked at the boy who said/asked "haha told you Jiji that someone was new here so now can you teach me how to do the clone jutsu because I can't seem to do a single clone properly!" without thinking I then said "aren't you a little too young to learn any type of jutsu and also shouldn't you wait for the academy to teach you?" I was starting to get worried because no one was saying anything and also because the boy looked a little sad.

minutes passed by until Naruto said "well..... anyway will you teach me how to do it, but first here I'll show you what I do, so you tell me what I did wrong, Jiji dattebayo!" with a bright smile that seems to lighten up the room which made me blush again. I then heard the lord third said "sure why not have a little free time right now" while smiling at Naruto but glared at the papers on his desk which made me chuckle a little it also seems like someone else noticed it too because I heard someone else chuckle and it sounded so cute so lifted my head to see who it belonged to only make my eyes meet Naruto who was facing the third. I walked toward a wall and leaned against it to watch them.

Naruto took a few deep breaths in and out before he did some hand signs for the clone jutsu which were perfect but failed. The hokage then said "I are not doing anything wrong Naruto. I think you might just have a little too much chakra" which would make sense since he is a Uzumaki.

Seconds later Naruto said "oh good to know that I didn't do anything wrong dattebayo! But is there another type of clone jutsu that you might think I should be able to do? Dattebayo!" which got me thinking "there are many clone jutsu but he is too young to do thoughts especially the KageBunshin no Jutsu ... well let's see what the hokage suggests"

a minute or so passed by with no one saying anything until the hokage said "there is this one called KageBunshin no Jutsu but it is forbidden because it divides your chakra into equal parts among all the clones, and you cannot recover that chakra" just then I smacked hand against my head which made them look at me.

seconds passed by and the hokage said "is there a problem?" I then said "why would you even bring it up when you already know it's forbidden and also given a reason with it?!" Naruto then said "maybe because he knew I would ask "why is it forbidden?" any way...can you show me it Jiji, dattebayo!?!" while turning back to look at Hiruzen (the third hokage's name). Hiruzen then said "sure why not!"

After seconds he started doing hand signs for the jutsu quickly but it seems like Naruto noticed what signs he was doing because his eyes were looking at Hiruzen's in a very collective way.

When he was finished, 5 identical Hiruzen's came in a puff within seconds. I heard Naruto say/more like shout "whoa that was cool Jiji!! Maybe I will be able to do it when I get older...dattebayo!" with a big smile and also jumping up and down. The hokage then said "I'm sure you'll be able to do it very soon, Naru" while patting his head.

Seconds later Naruto said "anyway I'll see you in a few months Jiji since I know that you have a lot of paperwork and also you have a new citizen to take care so bye bye!" while walking toward the door but then he stopped again and said "oh yeah by the way Jiji why don't you use those clones to do your work i mean they look solid and they seem like they have the same knowledge as you since you're sharing your chakra!!" I was shocked and thought "wow he is very observant but why didn't I think of that when was hokage!!." and with that he left the room.

Seconds passed and I heard the hokage say under his breath "he's a smart boy almost like a once in a lifetime prodigy yet he never takes my offer of him being trained by my best anbus" I then said/asked "you offered him to be trained by anbus and he refused the offer! Why?" then Hiruzan said "he never gave a reason but I'm sure he'll become one good hokage when he is older" "he wants to become a hokage?" I asked and he said "yope! Because he wants to be acknowledged by the people in this village and to protect those who are dear to him." I just nodded and smiled.

Seconds passed and the hokaged said "anbu can you leave us" with that the anbu bowed and left the room.

After a few minutes passed he asked me "so what are you doing here, Minato Namikaze?" I then asked "how did you know it was me?" the hokage said "so you are not even denying that you are him. So are you from the past? "I said "no I am not from the past, I am from the afterlife" the horizon asked "why?" I just said "Kami-Sama wants me to watch and protect my son, Naruto but i don't know what" then Horizon said "nice to know that Kami -Sama is watching over and you'll know soon when you start watching him to why you need to protect him" I just nodded.

After a few minutes I said "I'll be living in the Uzumaki and Namikaze mansion since it seems like Naruto isn't living there, so bye for now and also don't tell anybody who I am, I mean they can know my name is Minato but i am changing my last name to Katō, okay?" with that I left.

Naruto pov

"So I was right! He is my father's younger version! To bad for him I won't be showing myself but I guess I can show him how the village treats me since almost everyone knows how they treat me do it won't really male that big of a problem." I thought to myself. I was hiding outside the office window but of course I hid my chakra so they won't know I am there so not even the best anbus can detect me now. I then left the tower and headed to the forest to do my daily training.

When I got to the training ground I made the same clone as what Jiji made but this time it looked exactly like me. I know it's the same as Jiji's because I can sense my own Chakra within it.

Seconds later I said to the clone "go to the village to see where he is but act like you are just looking at things so he won't feel like he is being watched , okay?" The clone just bowed and said "yes master" I then said "please don't call me master just call me Naruto and also don't bow down to me...oh one more thing don't fight back" he had a questioning look but he still nodded and went toward the village. 

End of Part 2 - So He's My Father - Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter!

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