Part 4 - just a filler day - the academy days

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sorry for the late update!

Part 4 - just a filler day - the academy days

Timeline: the past (present)

Minato's pov

"Hey! Minato, wait up!" I heard Naruto call from behind. I stopped and looked behind, he was waving his hands while running.

I saw that people were glaring at him with hatred. It always makes me wonder how Naruto could ignore all these people but whenever I ask him how.

He always says "I learned to ignore them plus they are just mourning for their friends and loved ones. they just need a place for them to take their anger out. I think I am the closest thing to whatever that killed their precious ones." He did his signature smile like he does everyday which seems to make me blush every time and also remind me of Kushina.....i guess mother like son? .

When he smiles at someone other than me, it gets my blood boiling in jealousy. Yes, I've been starting to have a crush on him since we became friends in the academy.

I know I am his father but I can't help it and I hope Kushina knows she'll always be number one but of all people i could have fallen for why did it have to be my own son! Maybe it's because his personality and the way he does things reminds me of her. I guess I'll know sooner or later.

On the other hand it seems like I'm not the only one who has feelings for Naru. Hinata Hyuga, who is shy and always blushes and faints whenever she is close to Naruto so that is how I came to that conclusion. I think she has a crush on him. But she is not my biggest concern right now but the one who is. Is that duck butt Uchiha!

That damn Uchiha, even though he is Naru's enemy and when you look into his eyes they seem dead like i mean you might as well look at a blank paper. The only reason I know he likes Naru is because he literally stares at him or sometimes glances! Anyway I just hope Naru hasn't noticed anything yet.

"Thanks for waiting!" speak of the angel. I just nodded acknowledging his presence. As he caught up to me we chatted and laughed till we made it to the front gate of the academy.

Few minutes passed and we finally made it to class but it looks like we are early because no one is here other than us and the Uchiha. Great! I wish he wasn't here!

I sat in my usual seat which was right behind Uchiha and Naruto.

Surprisingly we all had a normal chat with a few exceptions of Naru and the Uchiha fighting.

It looks like the Uchiha's eyes have stars twinkling in them, which is not the first time but it's only there whenever he looks toward Naruto because he was staring at Naruto the whole time. ...again *sign*

Hey dobe, I've been wanting to ask you something?"

"Please don't tell me he's gonna confess right now!?! No! I can't allow that! Calm down Minato! He won't confess right in front of you.....unless he is trying to show me he is his. No you can't think like that plus you have a chance that Naruto will reject him but if he does say yes I guess I have no choice but accept it but I won't give up on him yet!" I shook my head trying to get those thoughts out of my head.

"You okay Minato?" Naru asked worriedly.

I just nodded and then said "it's nothing, just continue what you were gonna ask, Uchiha." while looking at the Uchiha who just smirked at me then looked back at Naru.

Sasuke asked "why are you here so early? You usually come late because you are doing some prank." He's not wrong Naru never comes this early to school. I mean he did but he wouldn't come into the classroom or stay long either. I then looked at Naru curiously to see what he would say.

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