Part 5 - The Meet: Time Travel - (Part 2) -

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Part 5 - The Meet: Time Travel - (Part 2) -

6 years passed - Naruto is 12, Minato is 13, and Sasuke is 13

Boruto world ~
Boruto ran out of the house into the Forest of Death, as he went deeper into the forest he could see bright blue light that allowed for him to see the surroundings easier. Boruto hid himself on top of a tree and watched what was happening below him.
As Sasuke went into the forest he pulled out some scrolls out of thin air and started reading them one by one till he had finally stopped and looked around his surroundings to make sure no one was here. Sasuke sat on a stump while going through the scrolls again for about 15 minutes before making them all disappear into the thin air. Sasuke's eye starts changing into Kamui(this is the eye that Obito had) and turning counterclockwise, as well as his hands moving very fast, Ox, dragon, Ram... symbols. Sasuke gathered some chakra as he blew a blue fire that slowly reshaped itself into a giant circle.
30 minutes had passed and the blue circle had now reshaped into a tunnel, Sasuke was not looking so good as the tunnel had been sucking his chakra.

Boruto's POV:
I looked down to see my sensei, who looked half dead and wondered what he was doing.  I hear him say to himself, "just a few more minutes," i take another look at the blue tunnel and think to myself *Is he making a portal? What kind of portal is he making? Should I report it to my father? Nahh, let's wait a few minutes to see what happens.*  i wait, but i start to get board as more than 5 minutes had gone by, *I thought he said it would take a few minutes, it has been like 10 minutes!!!* 

*Looks like he's done, great!* I think to myself before getting up and giving myself a good stretch when standing up. "-... Naru, just wait for me." I hear sensei say. *Wait, did he say Naru? As in Naruto?! My father?!!! Oh My God, did he make a time portal?!!?*

Still in somewhat shock, I look down and see that my sensei is walking towards the portal, which had sucked him in when he was about 2 feet away from it. I was a bit bewildered at the sight but I soon snapped out of it. I noticed that the portal had not closed yet so I went down to inspect what was happening. I was no more than 3 feet away from it when I started having some thoughts, *"So if sensei had gone to the past, then would I be able to see a younger version of my father, I were to follow him?"* I pondered to myself, but before I knew it I felt myself getting spaghettify. 'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed as the process was somewhat painful. I felt my muscles and bones reshape while my mind having some flashbacks about the day I was born to the present.

Third POV:
The light from the portal had slowly started to dim as well as get smaller, and smaller with only leaving a ball of fire that seemed to sit on an invisible candle. As if someone had blown out the candle, everything was pitch black.
In the village:

Naruto was watching some anime with his daughter when he suddenly had an eerie feeling.

Naruto POV:
*"Kurama, do you feel that?" I asked the giant fox that was in my mind, who then replied, "Yes, I felt it too kit, I think something bad is going to happen."I suddenly felt agitated, and asked "can you see where Boruto is?" Kurama took a minute before replying, "no, I do not feel him nor do I feel that Uchiha" I then said "i will send my clones to find them then"*

I come back to reality which seem to be pitch black, I can't see, hear, nor can I move my body, okay now i was feeling a little scared, i think to myself while also asking Kurama *"what's happening?!!" "it is okay, you are not the only one feeling this, looks like time has stopped for some reason. The moon is not moving nor is theT.V, heck not even Himawari. But it looks like Sasuke and Boruto may have escaped this." Kurama says to me while also trying to calm my nerves, I calmed down a little bit when he said that my son and my best friend had just escaped this threat. "Thanks, Kurama," I said while leaning against his fur. "No problem kit" while patting my head with its paw.

Some time had passed when I suddenly wondered how my daughter, Himawari, was doing. "Hey Kurama, are you able to bring Himawari into this land scape?'' I asked. Kurama tapped the ground two times and bought Himawari, who seemed to have been crying. I ran over to her side, trying to comfort her, "It's okay, Papa's here!"

Third POV:
Everything had stopped, the plants had stopped growing, people were frozen with their last action, the rivers and lakes were as smooth and rippleless as a glass window.
This Naruto world had now been put out of its existence, making way for a new world.
This is a story about 3 people who fight over one person. The 3 competitors are: the best friend of the previous Naruto world, Sasuke Uchiha, the son of Hinata Hyuga and Naruto Uzumaki of the previous world, Boruto Uzumaki, lastly the boy who the gods sent over to protect Naruto.

End of Part 5 - Part 5 - The Meet: Time Travel - (Part 2) -- looks like there will be one more part which will be discussing the difference between, why Sasuke who traveled first only joins the party only the day before the exams and Boruto a whole week earlier.

- sorry for any grammar or spellings as I am doing all this on the phone - my computer won't allow me to enter this account and I ended up downloading the app to be able to publish through my phone - thank you all and have a great summer!

Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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