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Wiz: It was SuperMan who set the bar for superheroes as a media genre.

Boomstick: And the guy who beat Goku twice in Death Battle and caused the formation of a mob of angry DragonBall Z fans rioting on our front door.
However, when there's a famous character, there are copycats willing to out perform the Man Of Steel. And one of these was the living dictionary: WordGirl!

Wiz: WordGirl's origins come from the planet Lexicon: a planet home to a race of intelligent super power humanoids. She was sent to Earth with her pet monkey Captain Huggyface when she accidentally wandered into a spaceship as a toddler and crash landed on Earth. The ship did land in Fair City and she and Huggyface were adopted by the Botsford family.

Boomstick: It would've ended there, had it not been for a colorful cast of villains! Like a human sandwich, a mad scientist with insomnia, a lady who duplicates herself, and a robotics boy who is a simp towards her.

Wiz: There, she began to fight crime using her vocabulary and other kinds of powers being listed.

Boomstick: Because what's the point of adding her to Death Battle if brains are more than brawn?

Wiz: Because she's from a different planet, WordGirl has everything that Superman has in his move set that we discussed in BOTH Superman Vs. Goku videos.

Boomstick: And pissed off more and more DragonBall Z fans in the process. Seriously! They are throwing Smash Bros Amiibos at our windows right now! eBay really is evil!

Wiz: Lexiconians have super strength, speed, and have long lasting lungs, except with the pressure of heated environments.

Boomstick: The sun may be hot, but space is still cold. Because Earth orbits around the sun 365 days a year, you know how things get heated at times.

Wiz: She also has the power of flight as many other heroes do, but as for attacks, she has ice breath as a frozen barrier and a sonic scream which fires rings of sound energy from her mouth.

Boomstick: Even going as far as to suck the bad air in! I wonder how long her stomach can hold it in.

Wiz: Most amazingly, she has fourth wall communication with the show's narrator for information about the villain's whereabouts, weaknesses, or any other issue in the episode.

Boomstick: Kinda like Deadpool, but for kids. Oh wait... Daffy Duck did it first!

Wiz: This leads to various accomplishments such as trashing an army of robots made by Tobey,
besting against Birthday Girl who is a hulk like beast,
resistance to electric shots from Maria,
defeated Miss Power,
and adapted to The Learnerer...

Boomstick: Who is voiced by the amazing Weird Al! The squid hat guy!

Wiz: All that leading to achieving over 200 keys to the city.

Boomstick: That's great and all, but how will the mayor get in or out of town with the gates vulnerable?

Wiz: Although this also leads to some weaknesses. She gets suspicious easily and has a soft spot for a show within the show, Pretty Princess.

Boomstick: Leading her to a bunch of traps like a rope of sausage links, knitted in yarn, tangled by an octopus... okay the point is that she gets captured easily. However, she can get out of it with some help.

Wiz: But eventually, all good things had to come to an end for WordGirl. After her friendship with Violet almost ended and the defeat of villain duo Rhyme And Reason, her show came to an end after the company behind it, Soup2Nuts, shut down.

Boomstick: Ouch! That is the worst way for a hero to go down! Still, she has a good fanbase which ironically ships her with Tobey on DeviantArt.

Wiz: WordGirl is a hero of words and a decent fighter of villains 24/7.

Death Battle: WordGirl Vs. Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now