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*WordGirl is launched a dozen yards, but quickly gets back up*

WordGirl: If that's how it's going to be, then I'm upping my game!

*She speeds towards Izuku, who jumps over her and retaliates with Delaware Smash Air Force. WordGirl is not hit, because she sucked in the projectile which gets into her stomach*

WordGirl: And there goes my breakfast... but not my fight!

*She uses her ice breath to freeze Deku. However, the latter upgraded to 8% and uses Shoot Style to avoid the icy cloud*

Deku: ST. LOUIS SMASH!!! *the kick sents WordGirl into the city, with Deku giving chase going as fast as Gran Torino*

WordGirl *in her mind*: For a dropout, this guy really packs a punch! I'd better up the anti.

*She speeds around her agile opponent, attempting to twist him, but Izuku catches her off guard with a flick of his finger*

WordGirl: Now I've had it! *She uses her sonic screams to stun Deku. It works, but not for long as he quickly snaps out of the trance and charges up to 20%*.

Deku: MANCHESTER SMASH!!! *He kicks down at the ground WordGirl is standing on, but she scoots outta the way*

WordGirl: Predictable: Easy to see and quick to notice. *But she doesn't see that Deku had dashed behind her*

Deku: 30% WYOMING SMASH! *slams into WordGirl, forcing a collision between her and the ground spikes*

WordGirl: Well... most of the time. *She gets back up with the rubble at hand and uses it as a melee weapon to clash with Deku's fists. The clashing takes to the rooftops where Deku grabs the spike and crushes it under his palm*.

Deku: 45% ST. LOUIS SMASH AIR FORCE!!! *WordGirl is pummeled hard by the projectile, but is able to hold it in her mouth. She takes to the air and spits it back to Deku, knocking him back on dry land, thus producing smoke*.

WordGirl: That was gross! At least he won't retaliate after all that... *Suddenly, she is tied up by a black and green rope of energy* What the?!

*The source of her situation comes back up. Deku is floating in midair with smoke around him*

WordGirl: You?! But how?! *She suddenly sees the spirits of three of the One For All predecessors, Lariat, En, and Nana Shimura circled around her opponent*.

Deku: This is the true power of One For All. *He charges at WordGirl, who squirms to fight off the Black Whip. She frees herself and continues to fight against Deku, who is using Black Whip to throw projectiles at her while she dodges and deflects. The fighters speed around the area while the sun comes into view, warming up the atmosphere*.

WordGirl: Phew! This sunny day is tiring me out... but I will make sure it does the same to you! *She uses her ice breath to forge two icy rocks to use as boxing gloves and tries to pummel Deku, who holds them*

Meanwhile inside the vestige world in One For All:

Yoichi *to users 2 and 3*: It's time you two. *Users 2 and 3 turn around and set up the true power of the quirk*.

Returning to the battle at hand:

WordGirl: Any last words dropout?

Deku: One For All... Full Cowling... 100%!

*Powers up to his ultimate form

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*Powers up to his ultimate form. WordGirl is shocked as she Deku's eyes turn into turquoise shades of energy*.

Deku: This ends now! *Upper cuts WordGirl higher in the sky and dashes upward in front of her*.

WordGirl: It's down to the wire now... *As she flies towards Deku, the sky darkens and dozens of golden fist come down towards her* Oh no... *gets barraged by the fists and ends up covered in smoke. She barely clears her vision when she sees Deku with his right arm glowing* Mommy...



*With that last punch, Deku slams WordGirl on the ground at the center of the city. She lays there cross eyed, implying that she received severe brain damage from his final smash*.

Deku lands safely on his feet and raises his fist in the air, victorious.

 Deku lands safely on his feet and raises his fist in the air, victorious

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Little did they know that Miss Power was watching the battle. She retreats, terrified by Deku's power!

Death Battle: WordGirl Vs. Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now