Izuku Midoriya Part 1

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Wiz: In a modern day society in Japan, people with amazing super powers called Quirks were the super heroes of the country.

Boomstick: With the best being All Might, one fan grew up to be a hero like him: Izuku Midoriya!

Wiz: Unfortunately, he was born Quirkless, a rarity according to the doctors. This unfortunately ruined his childhood, but he still soldiered on until the end of Middle School.

Boomstick: On that day, Izuku proved his heroic-ness to his idol, who after a bunch of training bestowed him the legendary super power: ONE FOR ALL!!!
Oh yeah! All Might was quirkless in his youth also. History does repeat itself!

Wiz: One For All gave Izuku, now his hero name Deku, the power of enhanced strength, speed, and stamina to keep up with the other heroes. However, his body wasn't quite ready to handle the power quite yet, as it resulted in hurting himself... mostly his right arm.

Boomstick: Which led to various scars, like the ones on his hand from when he fought Todoroki in the Sports Festival and the big one on the upper half of his arm from his fight with Muscular!

Wiz: The problems would finally be solved in two ways. One when Deku used his feet for attacking which he calls Shoot Style and the Air Force Gloves for wind pressure focus when he uses Delaware Smash.

Boomstick: But we haven't even mentioned the best things about Deku: his move set!

Wiz: Most of them are based on All Might's moves, but Midoriya's move set has gotten far more diverse as the series goes on. The first is Detroit Smash...

Boomstick: Which is like Falcon Punch, but with only air. He needs to be quick on his feet, which is why Shoot Style comes into play.

Wiz: Shoot Style gives Deku even better agility, making him faster than most of his enemies. Using St. Louis Smash to kick enemies into the air and back on the ground. However, some moves can be predictable.

Boomstick: Like his Manchester Smash which produces floor spikes! If that doesn't work then Delaware Smash Air Force from his Air Force Gloves can get it done, but with a bit more blunt force.

Wiz: In the Manga, he even went as far as to combine them. During the Paranormal Liberation War, he shot St. Louis Delaware Air Force Smash at Shigaraki's decay in an effort to stop it.

Boomstick: It only delayed the inevitable, but it was worth a shot. By the way, why else are these predecessors inside One For All?

Wiz: Because they had their own quirks besides One For All. So now Deku can wield the quirks of his predecessors, except All Might who is quirkless.

Boomstick: Black Whip can make Midoriya grab objects or people without getting too close to his opponents. He even has Nana Shimura's Float to assert his dominance without T Posing. En's smokescreen is used for stealth and blinding the opponent. I kinda knew it because of the clothes covering his mouth like he's a ninja. And lastly... as if there weren't enough Spider Man references already, he has Danger Sense which can detect any threat nearby.

Wiz: As for users 2 and 3, their powers are yet to be revealed, so they'll be used as the two extra batteries for Deku until then.

Boomstick: And if the powers get revealed, we'll be happy to update this chapter!

Update: User 2's quirk is Gearshift, which gives Deku the power to change the speed at which things accelerate through space, but only for 5 minutes.
The Third User's Quirk is Fa Jin. It grants Midoriya the ability to build up kinetic energy by repeating regular motions and store said energy for later use.

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