oh my garsh

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(wook's point of view)

We get to the cafeteria, my hand still securely around Jin's waist.

I sit her down on one of the empty seats and serve us both a plate of food.

Jinsu and the priest sit in front of us and I sit next to Jin. She smiles and thanks me for the food, I merely keep my face indifferent as she starts to eat.

I gaze at her, her eyes dull but some how full of beautiful light, i see her unchanging soul— her undying and unconditional love.

Her meledolic laugh that echoes throughout the room causes my heart to ache.

she was gorgeous from the way she leaned against me unable to contain her laughter, to her loving gaze whenever she looked at me.

I felt a smile edging its way onto my face, I pressed my hand hard on my mouth hiding its existence from everyone.

I shove some rice in my mouth before Hyunsu and Eunhyuk walk over here, food in hand.

Eunhyuk swatts Hyunsu away before punching his arm lightly. I see Jin looking toward them smiling warmly.

Hyunsu squeezes in between Jinsu and Jin causing Jin to move closer to me.

Eunhyuk sits next to me, chewing on some rice as I look over the "cafeteria" it was nearly full, only missing the two kids, Mr. Han and Mr.  Ahn.

I bite into my rice ball before Eunhyuk clears his throat.

"uh so we need to discuss something. We only have enough food to last us a couple more days and I know the building can offer a lot more so I was thinking about sending a group up to grab some more supplies." He finishes as I eat the rest of my rice ball.

we all turn toward Jin as her eyebrows knit together, running a hand through her brown hair. She looks up realizing all the eyes were on her.

    "Well uh that sounds good i mean it sounds good, I think i could-" She stuttered out before i cut her off.

"No, you are not going."

Everyone turns to look at me, their mouths hanging open, as I keep my eyes fixated on her.

she purses her lips and glares at me which causes a smile to try and make its way onto my face, I bite my inner cheek hard, removing the smile that was trying to try me.

    "Excuse me? You can't tell me what to do Wook. I am a grown woman and I can take care of myself-" She rambles, steam practically blowing out of her ears before i interrupt her again.

"You just had. panic attack, you're wound is barely healing and you haven't slept since Yeongsu scared you awake, so you are going to stay here." I softly scolded, still keeping my face indifferent.

everyone shocked at how much I just talked, watched in awe as Jin breathed in deeply, her face returning to its normal shade.

"I'll go up there and get the supplies we need, while you get some rest." I finished while Jin narrowed her eyes at me.

I raised my eyebrows as she huffed and puffed pushing her rice around aggressively.

   "Ok well you can't go alone, so i'll go with you I won't-" she starts before Hyunsu interrupts her once more.

"I'll go with him. I'm less susceptible to injury and I've been through this hotel more than I can count."

  "If one more person interrupts me again, I will rip out their spine and beat them with it." she threatens and somehow i believe she would do it.

"Now I'm not very happy about this but i won't stop you, however if one of you gets hurt, or if you see a monster you can't take on, you come straight back here. And I have eyes everywhere ok?" she warns still pushing her rice around.

"and by eyes, I mean I will grill Hyunsu until he breaks, got it?" She scolds me as Hyunsu nods quickly, his eyes wide.

she stares at me before I nod as well, trying not to smile once again.

  She huffs once more puffing out her cheeks, poking at her rice once more before shoving the remainder in her mouth.

Eunhyuk finishes his food as well and Hyunsu shoves his rice ball into his mouth, swatting Eunhyuk's hand away as he pokes Hyunsu cheeks.

I feel Jin nudge my hand before grabbing it, holding it tightly.

I relax my hand into hers before breathing in deeply trying not to flinch away.

feeling her soft hand in my callused hand, I cover my mouth with my free hand as I feel my lips tugging into a smile.

And i feel one thing i haven't felt in a long time, I feel at peace.

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