okay asshole <33

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I stared down the cigarettes on the floor with pure hatred.

It had been two weeks since I quit. Two long weeks of trying to purposely find people smoking and just bask in the smoke.

I don't know why I quit, they say it shortens your life but really who the fuck cares. I grab a single cigarette from the floor and bring it to my lips.

Is that really what you want to do?

My mom's voice rings out in my ears. I tense before tossing the cig into the trash and cracking my neck in annoyance.

aha, since when did you start caring.

I've always cared for you love.

oh okay mom, fuck off.

My mom's voice was weak and raspy, I felt hatred rush through my body as I started pounding my head with my fists, as if that would make her leave my mess of a mind.

I keep my fists on my head and lean against the stained wall, no matter how many times I scrubbed at the stains, they always were victorious.

I wait for the bitch to make another lying statement, she retreats back into her cave. Into the back of my mind, waiting again for my will to falter.

My eyes wandered to my desk and my bed on the left side of it, my room was pretty bare with only the necessities.

Getting up on my feet I groan in pain.

at 29 and yet i feel 80.

I roll my eyes before ignoring my screaming feet and walking over to the bathroom.

the bathroom was a small room with the wall paper peeling off the wall and it takes all my of self-discipline not pick at it.

I glance at the mirror and stare in shock, the scar that runs from my forehead to my jawline is puffy and bright red. I huff in annoyance,

I must have been scratching it at night again.

"time to break out the oven mitts." I murmur annoyed.

Wetting a towel with cold water I continue looking at my face, my brown eyes angry and slightly red, my short brown hair wild and messy, my lips peeling and rough.

My scar set my cheeks on fire, irritating my face and making it a swollen.

I place the cloth on the scar, and flinched when it burned.

fucking asshole bitchass wet sock ass donkey looking ass bitch.

you are talking about the scar on your face right?

no mom i'm talking about you, leave me alone.

can't mentally unwell.

go be mentally unwell by yourself

and leave you alone? never

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