Chapter 21

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Aaliyah POV

Settling into the couch in our home, I lean my head against Aaron's shoulder. After breakfast, Aaron had lifted me onto his back and strolled us along a path through the trees to our new home.

When I first saw the two story colonial, I thought I was dreaming. The home belonged in a fairy tale with the wrap around porch and beautiful wood frame.

Aaron didn't put me down until we reached the front entrance where my feet were only on the ground for a moment before I was back in his arms in a bride's hold this time.

He said it was so he could 'carry me across the threshold'. I was just content to let him hold me.

After a tour of each room, we ended up back in the family room where I told him I wanted to cuddle on the couch for a while.

I shift closer to Aaron's chest as I feel a cold draft.

"You've been quiet, angel," Aaron comments.

"I'm sorry," my voice cracks in a whisper.

He shifts his hold on my body so we are face to face.

"What are you sorry for?" he asks me.

"I know you want me to talk more," I say, "Especially around the others."

"Angel, I told you at breakfast. I get it and I'm not trying to push you."

"You aren't. Not at all," I argue, not wanting him to even think that he is capable of that.

He kisses me on the forehead lightly. A move I'm figuring out is one of my favorite ways he comforts me.

"Do the others hate me for not really talking to them?" I ask, hoping they don't. Although I may not fully trust Zach and Thatcher, I don't want them to believe I don't like them just because I'm too afraid to say more than a handful of words in a conversation.

"Of course not," Aaron immediately responds, "No one thinks less of you just because you arent comfortable enough to talk yet, and they sure as hell don't hate you. They know you went through hell at that lab and everyone knows that you will talk in your own time. When you feel comfortable and safe, your trust in them will follow."

I feel a sense of gratitude as the relief washes over me. I move up and kiss his jaw sweetly.

"I feel safe with you," I tell him, wanting him to know.

"I'm glad," he smiles, "And I promise that I will always make sure you do."

"You promised me that already," I tell my perfect mate. I never thought I would end up with a wolf, much less one that is as understanding and sweet as Aaron. I send a silent thank you to the gods above for pairing our souls together.

"I did," he smiles, "But I'm saying it again so you know that I will never break it. My promise is my bond. I will never break a promise to you."

I let his words wash over me as I stare into his eyes. I lift my hand to rest against his cheek. He nuzzles into my palm.

We sit like that for a while, just staring into each other's eyes. I feel Aiya getting closer to his wolf as we connect. After twenty minutes, Aaron breaks the content silence.

"Angel, do you trust me?" he asks, shifting to kiss the inside of my hand.

I nod my head slowly.

"I need the words, Aaliyah."

I take in his serious tone before I speak. It feels as if my answer to this question is the most important words I will ever say, "Yes. I trust you."

"You are my mate. The other half of me. Do you accept me as your mate?" he asks.

I feel my lips tip in a small smile at the word mate. I feel Aiya making a purring noise in my head as our mate calls himself mine.

"I am yours as you are mine," I answer him.

He leans forward to nuzzle his cheek against mine before kissing my cheek and doing the same to the other.

"Will you let me mark you?" he questions, his tone hopeful.

Marking is the first step in the mating process. A mate accepting a mark from their other half is like a proposal between the two. It's an acceptance which will tie their emotions together as the bond between the souls strengthens.

We will feel one another's emotions as well as be able to hear clear thoughts. For foxes, mates are able to feel each other's pain after marking.

Allowing Aaron to mark me will be me stating that I trust him and that I accept our mate bond.

I shift closer so I am straddling his lap. He grips my hips in a tight hold and I hold his face in my hands. Moving closer, I kiss him deeply and open my mouth to taste him against my tongue.

His hands roam over my body as I grab onto his hair and pull. Kissing him feels as if I've reached heaven as the electricity flows over my skin and through our bond.

Moving back half an inch so I can refill my lungs with air, I give him his answer, "Yes. I'll accept your mark."

He kisses me again, deeper and faster than the first. His hold tightens as I focus on the passion I feel in his touch. I feel my body heat and I press myself closer to him.

I rock by body against his as he breaks the kiss and moves his lips down my neck. I moan as he starts to suck on a spot between my neck and shoulder.

"Aaron," I sigh as he nips the spot, "Mark me."

With one last kiss, I feel him open his mouth wider. I let out a small whimper when his teeth scrape against my skin.

"Mine," his low growl sounds before he bites down, marking me as his.

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