Chapter 24

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Aaliyah POV

I wake to the light of the sun peeking in our bedroom window. I feel the familiar heat of Aaron surrounding me.

"Aaliyah," I hear his soft voice mumble as he pulls me closer.

I shift slightly around, so I can sees his face. His body is relaxed and a light smile graces his lips. Our naked bodies run against one another and heat moves through my body as this new need radiates up.

"Aaron," I whisper, wanting him to wake up with me.

His eyelids open and I'm met with the chocolate brown eyes I've fallen in love with.

"Morning angel."

"Morning," I kiss him, pulling us closer together. When I pull back, the need increases and Aiya yells at me to mate with him again.

We mated last night, I think to myself.

"You're mine," he says, definitely listening into my thoughts.

"All yours," I agree, kissing him again.

"Just one last step, angel," he reminds me.

"The sharing," I hesitate saying I want to do it. There are so many memories in my head I would rather never think about again, and now I will have to relive some of them, "I don't know if I'm strong enough for that."

"Oh Aaliyah," he whispers, "You are the strongest person I've ever met."

"I wish I felt that way," I say to him, not really believing his words, "But I want to be. I want to be strong enough to be your mate, your Luna."

"You are going to be the greatest Luba this pack has ever had."

We kiss again, running our hands over each other. I feel closer to him than ever as we move as one. The feeling of our orgasms fall over us at the same time.

I can feel the love he has for me wash over our bond like a tsunami.

"Let's do it," I say breathlessly as we both try to catch our breathes.

He laughs lightly at that, "Pretty sure we just did."

I smile and laugh at that, "I mean the sharing."

"Really?" He moves back to watch my eyes. I know he won't agree if he spits even a glimmer of hesitation, but he won't find any.

"I trust you, Aaron," I tell him, "I can't tell you that I'm not scared to go into my memories, I want this. I want to complete our bond."

We kiss again and I try to show him the love I have for him, even if I still can't say the words aloud.


We sit together on our bed as we stare into one another's eyes. He holds my hands tightly as he keeps watching me.

"Are you sure?" He asks again.

"You don't need to keep asking," I say, "I'm not going to change my mind, Aaron."

He smiles at that, "Remember that as we go into my memories, don't let go of my hand. If we separate, we could get lost in my mind."

"I promise I won't let go."

He leans forward and rests his forehead against mine. Keeping our eyes connected, I reach into his mind until I connect to his mind's door.

I knock softly against the wood and I see the knob turn before Aaron opens it on the other side. Light surrounds us as I walk inside with him.

The light fades away and we stand in the living room of his parents' house. I see a little version of Aaron running around the room and placing stuffed animals in every open spot.

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