Chapter One: The Beginning

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I woke up, my breath fast and covered in sweat. I didn't know where I was, all I could tell was that I was in some sort of a box moving upwards. Or, at least I thought I was moving up.

After about what felt like twenty or so minutes, the box came to a halt. Big metal doors were opened above me, and I was immediately blinded by the light. It was just then I realized that I didn't know anything. I could remember things, but it was almost as what I'd describe being fuzzy. I just didn't understand how I could remember. And that's when I realized that I didn't even know my name.

"It's a girl!" a strange voice with some kind of accent that I couldn't quite pinpoint said.

"No way!" another said.

"More like a weakling" someone farther back said.

I was confused, and I didn't even know what to think. That's when a boy jumped down into the box. He had blonde hair and brown eyes. You could tell that he had been working in the sun the whole day, and he must work often cause his arms were toned.

"Here," He said with his strange accent, "Let me help you out"

I don't know why, but I could immediately tell that there was something about him that told me we were going to become great friends. After he helped me out of the box I saw that there were about thirty-ish boys there, and not even one girl. Great, I thought, I'm the only one. I was trying to observe my surroundings deciding whether or not I was safe when the blondie interrupted my thoughts.

"So um uh, Greenie, or umm girl," He said hesitantly

"Ya?" I replied

"What he's trying to say is, Welcome to the Glade," a taller boy that was built said. I noticed that he had some funky-looking eyebrows going on, and I tried my hardest not to laugh.

"I'm Gally by the way," he continued, "And that over there the one who can't seem to speak is Newt"

"Does she remember her name?" a tall broody black-haired boy asked.

"No, no I don't actually," I responded quickly, I just wanted to be alone and try and figure this whole thing out.

"Okay Boys, back to work," A large dark boy said. His voice was pretty deep, and I could tell that he intimidated the boys. "This the new Greenie?", he asked Newt.

"Yes, it is the new Greenie. I mean, you haven't seen a girl around here before have you?" Newt responded

"Well, Greenie it's almost time for dinner so I'm going to try my best to explain to you where we are, and how this place works. The Name's Alby by the way."

"So, I'm a little confused. Is Greenie my name or something, and I'm just not remembering? Or what?" I asked

"No, we just call the newbie shucks around here Greenie. I take it you don't remember your name?"

"I guess I don't."

Then, the blondie boy Gally said was Newt finally spoke up. I kinda forgot he was there if I'm being honest. "Don't worry shank, you'll remember it soon."

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