"I shouldn't have"

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In the beginning,

I saw you frowning at a cafe,

I wanted to be your only hope,

Before someone else takes the place,

But things changed,

And i realized i lost my fixity of purpose,

I felt excruciating pain at heart,

And to make things worse,

i realized,

What i saw at the cafe that day,

Were all lies,

Don't say you would stay,

When you know you would go far away,

Don't say you love me,

When you know you lost all the feelings,

Don't say you won't go,

When honestly, that's what you intend to do,

Don't say i'm goodlooking,

When its obvious you are lying,

Don't come to me,

Only for the money that i give,

Don't make me want you,

When you would push me away on the days i need you,

When you realize you lost me,
Don't come back with pity,
Because i know that all these years,
You lost the days when i would stay up,
Just to make you happy.

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