P A R T 3

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P A R T - T H R E E

... Three years later ...

"That's it for today everyone. Don't forget your assignment to be submitted next week" Mrs. Cortez reminded us the research assignment for English Literature as the school bell rang. An indication that it's lunch time.

"Charisse!" I didn't even bother looking who's calling me. She's been like this ever since we've been friends. I smiled at her as Joey walks towards my table.

"Did you bring your lunch?" She asked. We sometimes bring lunch boxes and eat in the quadrangle.

"My dad's busy today. He has an early meeting with an editor so he didn't have the time to prepare for my lunch"

"Why didn't you tell me? I should've bought us our lunch" Warren spoke.

"It's fine. We can just buy it in the cafeteria" I just shrugged the idea.

"Do you even know how crowded it gets during lunch? I'm sure you do" Warren sighed just by thinking that we'll have to battle our way in to get our lunches.

I smiled at his reaction and put my arm on his shoulder. "I'll save you a seat" I said with all smiles.

"There's many spots to sit in the quad" He said as he walks out of our classroom.

"Wouldn't he even ask what do you want?" Joey asked

"He already knows what I want. Besides, I'm not a picky eater. I'm just allergic to chicken. Other than that, I'm all good. Let's go" I said as I hook my arms to her.

We're walking to the quadrangle when someone put his arms on Joey's shoulder. "Lunch?" He asked.

"What do you think Calvin? Wait. Do you even use your thinking skill?" Joey said as she rolls her eyes.

"You're mad again? Didn't you even miss me? I was absent yesterday!"

"Who cares? And you're not absent, you were excused" Joey said as she tries to remove Calvin's arms.

Calvin is part of the Helping Hands Club. He tutor's students who were not good in biology. He's good in accounting subject as well. But not as good as Joey. She's like our math wizard.

"Why were you excused?" I asked. I'm not the nosy type but I'm also not aware of my surrounding.

"Really Cha? Are you for real? We've been friends for 3 years now and you're still not interested in the school events?" Calvin spoke as if he's really shocked.

"He was in a science quiz bee yesterday. He's the school representative for biology. Look at that tarpaulin." Joey pointed the newly attached tarpaulin in the quadrangle.

'Congratulations Calvin Liam Zuarez! Three-peat Biology Quiz Bee Champion!'

"You hate biology but you excel in it. Nice" Joey said and that brings out the biggest smile that Calvin has ever had.

"I'm good at everything Joey Ann. You name it!" He's quite assertive with that statement.

"Except from courtship" We all look at Warren who's nearly walking towards us. "You've been courting Joey for a year now but she's still not answering you" He said as he sat down the grass. We all followed him.

"well at least she knows my feelings! You haven't even told Charisse yet –" Calvin wasn't able to finish his sentence as Warren puts a bread on his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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