Chapter 12 - Friend? (Tiyeds)

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Tiyeds tried not to stare as she sat across the table from the teen. He was eagerly shoveling cold beans out of a steel can into his mouth, occasionally dropping a few onto the ground where they would eventually be picked up by mice or small birds. She picked at her nails, digging out the dirt that had built up under them. Washing her hands just wasn't something at the top of her priority list at the moment.

Sighing, she leaned back in her seat and the wood creaked dangerously. She found this hideout a few days ago and had been storing the supplies that she gathered from scavenging in it. Glancing around, the dark walls were damp with water and moss from rusting pipes, and the hardwood was creaky and falling apart in multiple places. However broken down, it worked. She hadn't had any encounters with zombies since moving in, thankfully. At least it made sleeping a bit easier.

Giving up, Tiyeds looked back at her new teammate, grinning slightly as he scraped the bottom of the tin in search of the remaining few beans. Though a bit odd, Tiyeds couldn't help but find him a bit charming.

Tiyeds cleared her throat. "So... uh... what's your name?"

"Veird. What's your name?"


"Nice name."

"Yup. It's from a misspelling of tides."


An awkward silence ensued as they both looked away, trying to find another way to talk without being awkward.

Veird coughed first. "Uh, do you have any more beans?"

"Yeah I do, hold on." Tiyeds got up, jumping across the creaking floor to rummage through a rotting cardboard box in the corner. After a few seconds, she hummed triumphantly as she picked out a can of tomato soup. Turning around, she lobbed it through the air to Veird, who caught it confidently with his left hand.

"Thanks," Veird smiled as he proceeded to stab the top of the can with the back end of his spork, peeling the top open and carefully eating the cold liquid.

Tiyeds sat back down, everything creaking as she settled into her chair with her legs crossed and arms behind her head. She still didn't trust Veird completely, and he had refused to give up his gun, which was still tucked away in the back of his shorts. In her mind it made sense, giving up the gun would equate to giving up his only means of defense. But it still stung a little, knowing that that kind of trust wasn't there.

Calm down Tiyeds, we only met like 6 hours ago. Chill. Tiyeds' shook her head, her brain trying to legitimize her paranoia and concern. Peeking out between some boards on the window, the clouds were still casting their gaunt faces over the streets, and the silence was almost overwhelming. Luckily enough, Tiyeds had enough music in her head to fill this new void.

Veird looked up to Tiyeds as she began to hum the chorus to Overwhelmed. He turned back to his soup, trying to drink it directly out of the can. Veird loved tomato soup, and the fact that he got to have some even after a disaster of this level was an opportunity he would not overlook, even if the soup was cold.

Although it seemed like he was only focused on eating, Veird was still keeping track of his surroundings. He wanted to make sure that, if he got stuck, he could get out and away quickly and quietly, although the second one was harder in this room full of creaking wood. Chewing slowly, he glanced at Tiyeds, who was humming the tune to another song, one that sounded a lot like Jubilee Line. Grinning slightly, Veird found it hilarious that he knew both of the songs and had listened to them several times when they had come out.

Veird, upon eating some food and having some water, was hit with a wave of exhaustion, sapping his energy and attention. Blinking several times, he fought to keep from yawning; he was in an unfamiliar area with an unfamiliar person in an unfamiliar situation. This was potentially the worst situation to not be on guard in.

"So where'd you find your jacket?" Tiyeds asked suddenly, interrupting her humming and looking at him inquisitively.

A bit off guard, Veird ruffled his hair awkwardly. "Uh, I just found it at a store as I was passing by. Liked the color," he mumbled, poking at the now-empty can of soup. It let out a slight ringing as he poked it with the metal spork, moving it along the table slowly.

Tiyeds nodded, a little bit confused at why Veird had decided on his specific color combination for his clothing, but unwilling to push her curiosity any further.

The gray from the clouds deepened, and no lights flickering from the empty storefronts or broken streetlights. The silence swallowed everything whole.

Fog drifted through the streets like the crowds of undead that now littered the streets and buildings of most cities.

Tiyeds and Veird both woke up around the same time. They both packed up their gear without talking. They both ate some snacks, and they both walked out into the mist.

Time to go.

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