Queen of Dares [Movie]

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"Cole, there aren't any scores in this game..."

   "As long as it's a game, it's got a score system," Cole said excitedly, for he had finally beaten Jay at a game of Super Smashing Fighters.

   Jay sighed as he went to select his favorite character, Pichuka, again. "You got lucky. I wouldn't have lost if I didn't hesitate to recover there."

   "Please, Jay, no johns." Cole snorted as Nya giggled from behind them. Speaking of Nya, let's go see what's going on over with her.

   She and Kai had been playing the old-time classic game of Truth or Dare. So far they had stolen Lloyd's drink and put it back in the kitchen quite a few times, licked the underside of a chair leg, eaten the most disgusting thing they found in the trashcan (Cole's chili), and, well, mostly just trying to out-dare the other, since they know pretty much everything about each other already, so it wouldn't be very fun.

   "Truth or dare?"

   "The same answer as always, Kai."

   Kai thought for a moment before replying. "How about you go up to Jay, sit next to him, and then, without saying anything, start cuddling him for two full minutes."

   "You want me to what?!" she whisper-shouted with a small blush.

   "Cuddle with Jay." Kai's smug smile annoyed the water ninja.

   "I'm not gonna do that!"

   "Why not? You have a crush on him, don't you?"

   "W-wha- No I don't!"

   Kai's smug look continued to annoy her. "C'mon sis, it's obvious you got something for Jay."

   "No it isn't! Because I don't!" Nya tried to quiet down, for fear that Jay might hear them.

   "It is obvious, and you do." Kai replied with a smirk. "Now get over there and cuddle, or forever lose your crown of successfully executing any dare you come across!"

    Nya muttered something under her breath as she stood up from her seat. "F-fine, I'll do your stupid dare..." she said. Nya started slowly walking towards they couch where Jay and Cole were, silently hoping that Lord Garmadon would attack the city before she reached the couch.

    Unfortunately for Nya, that didn't happen, as she was now sat beside the best person in all Ninjago. Nya didn't say a thing as she watched the two other ninja play their game they were so fond of.

   After the match ended, she gathered up her courage and quickly wrapped her arms around Jay as she lunged her Kai-looking (red) face into his chest.

   In reaction to this, Jay completely froze, dawning a Kai-looking face of his own.

   "Haha, this is so good!" Kai said as he stepped in front of them and started taking pictures. Meanwhile, Cole sat in shock, not believing what he was seeing.

   "KAI! STOP TAKING PICTURES!" Nya's shouted as she stuffed her face even deeper into Jay. The shout alerted the entire house however, and now everyone within the vicinity flocked toward the cuddling couple-that's-not-yet-a-couple.

   Everyone smothered the two lovebirds with their eyes and cameras.

   After the two minutes had fully passed, Nya shot up and ran to her room as fast as LEGOly possible.

And thus, Nya retained her title of "Queen of Dares."


Been over 6 months since I last updated 0.0

Sorry to the few that have been waiting for so long XP (if there is anyone who's been waiting, that is)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this short lil' oneshot. As I've stated multiple times before, and will continue to say, I am very bad at writing. Not in the sense that I have bad grammar, but that I can't come up with stories very well, along with extra stuff like descriptions and dialogue. Plus a lot of the time I don't feel motivated at all, because I'm lazy and would rather cause indefinite pain and suffering playing Celeste or watch YouTube.

On rare occasions though, my creative power spikes, and I can make a lot of content is a short amount of time, which is why my Valentine's Day oneshot is so much longer than this one or my very first one.

Please remember to click or tap the Vote button if you liked this, and if you haven't already, go vote the other onshots if you liked them as well. And if for some reason you decide to follow me, then hey, who am I to stop you?

(Also, as always, critiques or criticism is appreciated, but please do not be rude.)

~o~ Part upload date: Aug. 15, 2021 at 17:17 ~o~
-<Word_count: 532>-

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