Cold (Movie)

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It was winter on the island of Ninjago. The Ninja were currently at the park, doing your normal everyday winter activities, such as building snowmen, creating forts, and calling war amongst each other.

   Jay, however, was sitting on a bench off to the side, where he was safe from the barrages of snowballs a certain Master of Ice (and commander in war) kept creating and throwing at everyone.

   "Hey." Jay turned his head to the side to see who had spoke. It turns out it was none other than Nya, the amazing (and beautiful) Water Ninja.

   "O-oh, hi Nya," Jay shyly replied.

   "How you doing over here?" Nya asked as she sat down beside her crush.

   "Um, I'm doing just fine. Maybe a little cold, but other than that, I'm fine, " he said nervously, "Uhm... How about you?

   "Cold," she shrugged, "But it's bearable."

   "Maybe you should've brought better clothing." Jay chuckled, pointing out Nya's poor decision. She had dressed herself in torn jeans and a blue hoodie, with sneakers to match. Not exactly the best choice if you're going to be out in the snow for hours on end. "You might want to get inside before you catch a cold."

   "I'm not that cold, Jay," Nya said.

   "You're legs are shivering."

   "It's not a big deal." In reality though, Nya was absolutely freezing. But she didn't dare show it in front of her crush. One time she did, and he couldn't stop worrying about her. It was endearing, but also quite annoying.

   "I still think you should go inside, or at least stay warm in some way."

   "Jay, I'm fine," she lied.

Unfortunately for her though, Jay could see right through it, but he decided to leave it be. That's what it looked like, anyways. He was actually thinking about how he can get her inside, or otherwise warmer.

After thinking for a few seconds, his face lit up as an idea came to mind.

He took off his scarf, and quickly wrapped it around Nya's neck.

She was shocked, to say the least.

It did keep her warm, though... More so in her face, since she practically had a tomato and a wig for a head. Jay noticed this, and asked her if she was okay.

   "U-uh..." Nya quietly stuttered out, not really saying anything initially. "I-I'm fine, Jay..." she finally muttered out after a few seconds.

   "You sure? A-as soon as I put my scarf around you, you went into a sort of daze." Jay replied, not entirely sure of her answer.

   "Yeah, I'm fine." She finally said after regaining herself, "Just... I..."

   "Yeah?" the chocolate-haired ninja questioned.

Nya didn't respond for a few seconds.

   "N-nothing..." she attempted to get out without stuttering. Emphasis on attempted.

   "Okay then," Jay said.

   Nya decided to not say anything else, as she was much too embarrassed to do hardly anything.


So I think I'm going to end this now.

This is long overdue.

And I suck at telling stories.

I would appreciate any critiques and/or criticism, but please do not be rude.

See y'all later.

~o~ Part upload date: Jan. 10, 2021 at 23:16 ~o~
-<Word_Count: 481>-
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