Titan shifter?

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Now is the scene where Eren is being kicked in the face by Levi at the MP's courtroom. I am not being called to the courtroom as a witness, so here I am at Wall Rose looking around to find what should I do. It is now a few days after the hole at the wall being plugged and the corpses were already being identified and burnt(they burn instead of buried right?). I want to help the citizens to build the destroyed buildings but they said that they don't need my help. So.. yeah. I'm looking around what to do.

About a half an hour of looking around, I finally found something to do. It is to check the new 'power' I just discovered about myself.

I walk towards a secluded area near to a forest. I look around to check if anyone is here and it looks like I'm the only one here. Should I ask Chiro instead..? I thought but I think I should check the power myself first, and then, I'll ask Chiro.

I take out a small knife that I kept with me for defence and cut my hand. The cut is not too big and not too small but it is deep enough for blood to flow out. I whimpered in pain as I feel the sting. This is called self-harm. Don't do this kids.

I watch as the blood got in contact with the ground. I want it to burn.. I open my mouth unconsciously and said.

"Redblood: hell fire"

Suddenly, the drops of blood that got on the ground starts to become a big ass fire. I immediately step back to not get caught into the fire. I look at the fire in awe as I realised.. I have a power like NEZUKO!! But how did.. I should ask Chiro- My thoughts were cut off as I realised the fire that I just made with my blood, is getting bigger and burnt down a tree. Holy shit-

I look around to find water to take out the fire cuz it is obvious in this time period, they don't have a fire extinguisher. I don't know what to do cuz there are no water near me. Cuz I am near to the forest and it is secluded and no one really walk at this area. There's no toilets here too where I could take water from.

I look back at the fire and said something stupid.

"Stop it! You're gonna burn down the whole forest!"

What am I expecting? The fire to hear what I said and stop the fire-

I am stunned as I see the fire is now starting to get smaller and smaller until it is fully gone. What did I just- I look at my hands. Chiro said that this is not my body and the soul of this body is already gone to heaven.. Now I am curious about this body.. I should ask Chiro if he know anything. I tear a little part of my shirt and use it to wrap my hand. As I'm done, I look up and yell.


"Yes Master?"

I turn around to see Chiro with his hands at his back.

"Why did you wish to see me?- Owh.. the tree is burnt.."

I scratched my head and nervously smiled.

"Yeah.. It's obviously not me."

"Okay, let's go straight to the point. What is it?"

"I want to ask the backstory about the owner of this body. Cuz I suddenly have this power that is quite similar to Nezuko!"

Chiro put a hand under his chin before raise his shoulder up and down as he said.


I facepalmed at his answer.

"Wha- what do you mean, 'Idk' ?!"

"I did said before that I put your soul into a random body. Must be your luck that this body have powers and stuff"

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