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I don't know how to feel about this chapter. Kinda feel cringed at myself-


3𝑟𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣

It's been a few months since the mission to retake Wall Maria. So many sacrifices had been engaged. That is including the 13th Commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith.

The Levi squad will go on an expedition next Wednesday. Y/n already knew what the expedition will be about. You know..? Going to the ocean and stuff.

Meaning, they have almost a week to train until the expedition day since today is Thursday. Everyone are training as it is an order from the captain.

As everyone are training, Y/n and Eren are walking by each other around the training field. They are actually supposed to run a few laps circling the training field but, since no one is looking after them today, they took this opportunity.

The two walk by each other without saying anything. Y/n is looking at the ground as she walk. She didn't realised that Eren is looking at her while they are walking.


Y/n raise her head and look at Eren, who just called her. "Yes..?"

Eren didn't say anything but sighed and look away. This reaction had made Y/n frustrated. What is it? Just spit it out Eren. You're gonna make me anxious.

"What is it Eren?"

Eren turn to look at her again with his straight and blunt face. Looking at him kinda make her felt sad and guilty for him.

"I-.. We should talk in private." Eren said as he take Y/n's arm and drag her away.



"So, what is it?" Y/n asked as she fold her arm. Eren had dragged her into a forest. Some would think they are going to do something nasty but heck no! I ain't going to write that shit-

"You're actually the first person who heard this. So, can you keep it as a secret?" Eren, who is sitting on a wood, said.

"Yeah. I'm cool with that." Y/n shrugged as she unfold her arms. I bet I already know them, Eren.

"So, as you already know, I had inherited the Attack Titan and the Founding Titan, right?" Eren asked.

"Yes? What's up with that?"

"So, as you know, when someone inherited a titan power, they will also inherited the past holder's memories too." Eren explained. Y/n only nod at him as in reply.

"Did you get.. something from the past holder's memories?" Y/n asked as she lean against a tree with her arms folded.

"Yeah.." Eren said. "But, that's actually not what I wanted to say." Eren added.

This bitch. Stop making me anxious would ya? Just say what you wanna say!

"Then, what is it you actually wanna say, Eren?" Y/n said patiently despite her inner voice who is screaming in anxious.

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