Taking blood

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Hange cried as she watch the titans that she gave name Sawney and Bean. I watch Hange sadly as she cried.

"I felt so bad for her.."


I look to my side and smirk at the person beside me.

"How is it listening to a bedtime story huh, Eren?"

He glare at me until a hand pat on our shoulder. We turn our heads to see Erwin's head between us.

"Who do you think the enemy is?"

Eren holds a confused expression while I hold a neutral expression.

"I-I don't know sir."

Eren said as he is confused at Erwin's question. Erwin turn his head to me waiting for my answer.

"Same with me sir.. why did you ask?"

"It's nothing."

Erwin said before walking away with Levi. Geez.. that's kinda creepy of you Erwin..

>>from here, I changed my 'typing' style a little. Cuz I'm lazy 🙃. Also.. I don't really remember everything that happened in this episode, so don't be mad if it's not the same as the original

I don't know how long it has been since I last saw Mikasa- .. Omg, I said it like it'd been years. Haha.
Today is the day that Jean, Mikasa, Armin and others come.. Gee I miss them.

I just finished ready myself. I walk outside and see the whole pack. My smile grew wider and I fasten my walk towards them.

"Hey guys!" I yell.

The raven head turned and widened her eyes. She continue to walk towards me and grab my hands.


"Did they force you to come here? Was it that puny brat?" Mikasa asked as she give me a concern look.

Mommy Mikasa~

I plastered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Mikasa! I am still in one piece!" I closed my eyes and smiled at her just to show her that I'm fine.

I open back my eyes just to see that Mikasa is still unconvinced.

Then, I heard multiple footsteps coming from Mikasa's back. I peak behind her and see that everyone are now behind Mikasa.

Eren put a hand on Mikasa's shoulder. "Don't worry Mikasa. She's okay."

Mikasa look at Eren and looked back at me and sighed.


I turn my head to them. "Well, you heard the call. Bye bye!"

I said as I walk away accompanied by Eren who is walking behind me. We walk inside the old castle.

As we walk through the hallway, a cadet come to us and said that Hange called for us. So, we obediently follow the cadet towards Hange's laboratory.

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