Chapter Nineteen

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“What does that mean?” I kept asking out loud but Daryl never did answer me once we were out in the open again.

“Abby, I’m gonna be honest with you. Shane ain’t telling the truth about what happened. He’s hiding something,” Daryl told me not even looking back at me. I was going to say something else but a gunshot broke my thought process. We stopped dead in our tracks for a moment to look at each other but then broke into full sprint to get to the house. Daryl and I burst into the house with literally everyone starring at us. After looking around I noticed the boys weren’t here.

“Shane and Rick ain’t back?” I asked them.

“No,” Lori answered.

“We heard a shot,” Daryl said.

“Maybe they found Randall,” Lori said.

“No, we found him,” I told her.

“Is he back in the shed?” Maggie asked.

“He’s a walker,” Daryl answered her.

“Did you find the walker that bit him?” Hershel was the next to ask a question.

“No, the weird thing is he wasn’t bit,” I said not looking at any of them.

“His neck was broke,” Daryl said before anyone could ask. “The thing is, Shane and Randall’s tracks were right on top of each other. And Shane ain’t no tracker, so he didn’t come up behind him. They were together,” Daryl finally said out loud what he had been thinking about the whole situation. It freaked me out a little and I had to know what Shane was thinking.

“I’m going back out there. We need to find them,” I said turning around to walk out.

“Not without me,” Daryl said behind me. We stopped in our tracks once again when we noticed the biggest herd I’ve ever seen coming out of the tree line. I hollered for the others to come outside and we were all completely silent just taking in what was about to happen and what we could do.

“Patricia, get the lights,” Hershel said.

“I’ll get the guns,” Andrea volunteered.

“Maybe they will just pass like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?” Glenn asked.

“Not unless there is a tunnel downstairs we don’t know about,” I told him.

“Yeah, a herd that size will rip the house down,” Daryl agreed.

“Carl’s gone,” Lori said as she rushed the porch.

“What?” I asked.

“He was up stairs I can’t find him anymore,” she replied. “I’m not leaving without my boy.”

“We’re not. We will find him,” Carol said and the both of them ran inside.

“That boy is never where he should be,” I said quietly. Andrea came back with the guns and passed them out.

“Thought y’all didn’t shoot?” Daryl said to Maggie and Hershel.

“You grow up country you pick up a thing or two,” Maggie said.

“They got the numbers. It’s no use,” I said.

“You can go if you want,” Hershel said, loading is rifle.

“You taking them all on?” Daryl asked.

“We have guns. We have cars,” Hershel said as he cocked his gun.

“Kill as many as we can,” Andrea said. “Then use the cars to lead the rest off the farm.”

“Are you serious?” I asked Hershel if he was sure.

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