Chapter Five

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            “She still won’t move?” Rick came over and asked the group of us who were trying to do something about Amy. Carol, Dale, Lori, Shane, and I all waited patiently just a few yards away from her as she lay lifeless in Andrea’s arms. Lori and I were the only two willing to try and talk to her but neither of us were successful.

            “Won’t even talk to us,” Lori answered her husband. “She’s been there all night.”

            “What do we do?” I asked the group for more ideas.

            “We can’t just leave Amy like that,” Shane said quietly. “We need to deal with it. Same as the others.” Rick agreed and nodded his head.

            “I’ll tell her how it is,” he said as he made his way over to Andrea. As soon as he leaned over her shoulder she put a gun in his face and every one of us was quick to stand up. Rick slowly backed away from her and she went right back to starring at her sister.

            “Y’all can’t be serious,” Daryl made his way over to us, taking a break from handling the bodies leftover from the night before. “Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girl is a time bomb.” He pointed at the pair of blondes in front of the RV.

            “Well what do you suggest? Cause we’ve tried everything,” I said with frustration. If Andrea doesn’t want to leave her sister, then why try to force her to?

            “Take the shot. Clean, in the brain. From here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance,” he got closer to me as he spoke.

            “No. For God’s sakes, let her be,” I told him tensing the muscles in my face to get my point across. All the men exchanged looks before Daryl stormed off with his attitude. Classic redneck. He went on to upset poor Glenn and then threw a fit over Merle again. He quickly came back around after Jacqui found a problem.

            “Jim’s been bit! A walker bit Jim!” she yelled and pointed as she backed away from him.

            “Let’s see it!” Daryl yelled marching over to him. All the men rushed to Jim to see if it was true. T-Dog was the first to grab him and Daryl lifted his shit to show the bit mark.

            “I’m okay. I’m okay,” Jim said calmly as we all studied the bite on his side. We quickly got together to try to think up a solution to our next problem.

            “I say we put a pickaxe in his head and the dead girl’s and be done with it.” Of course, Daryl just wants to kill everything.

            “Is that what you would want if it were you?” I asked him with hands on my hips.

            “Yeah, I’d thank you while you did it,” Daryl shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

            “I hate to say it but maybe Daryl is right,” Dale told us.

            “Jim’s not a monster or some rabid dog. He’s a sick man,” Rick took my side. “We start down that road, where do we draw the line?”

            “The line’s pretty clear. Zero tolerance for walkers or them to be,” Daryl stood his ground.

            “What if we can get him help? We heard the CDC was working on a cure,” Rick motioned to me and I nodded slightly in agreement. Morgan and Duane did say that they heard the CDC was still up and running.

            “I heard that too. Heard a lot of things before the world went to hell,” Shane told Rick.

            “Well what if it is still up and running?” I asked my husband.

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