Part -1

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Y/n pov
I woke up in morning saw clock hanging on the wall it was 8:30 . I was late for my shift I took my towel from the closet and ran to the bathroom took shower . I wore this 👇🏻

I put some makeup and and ran to the cafe

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I put some makeup and and ran to the cafe . I reached cafe . Coz it was near my house . I wore Apron and started taking order . I placed the drink on the customers table . And while walking to the counter. I saw a seven men entering the cafe. They seem quiet dangerous. They sat on the table near the window . I went there for taking their order

You- Good morning sir , what would you like to order?
Man 1 - 7 lattes please
You - ok , anything else
Man 1- no thanks
I took their order and head to make the coffee
Mean while
Jungkook pov
We were on our mission of killing Jackson's dad my enemy. It was dark alley where we successfully killed Jackson's dad . I was so tired I saw my hyungs already killed the gaurd and waiting in the car for me so I ran into car drove to my mansion . We reached to my mansion . I quickly ran to my room and drift to sleep . I woke up in the morning took a shower put on my clothes and ran down stairs for breakfast . I saw my hyungs sitting on the couch watching news . I asked them
Kookie - good morning hyungs
All - good morning kookie
Jin - go and eat your breakfast, we all ate
Kookie - ok
I went to Kitchen ate my breakfast and decided to go to the cafe . I will ask my hyungs whether they're coming or not
Kookie - hyungs are you coming to cafe with me
All - yessssss
We reached to cafe and entered the cafe while entering I saw the waiteress staring at us . We sat on the table near window I we as staring at her she is beautiful . She came towards us and spoke
Waitress - Good morning sir , what would you like to order ?
Jin - 7 lattes please
Waitress - ok , anything else
Jin- no thanks
Her voice was so sweet . I was staring continuously but taehyung hyung shook me and said someone is felling for the waitress huh ? Yah hyung she is mine and I want her full information till evening ok! . I will make her mine soon and jimin hyung don't you dare try to flirt with her . 
Y/n pov
I give them coffee and was about to head the counter but someone stop by grabbing my wrist turned and saw it was one of the guy of the seven members I pulled away my hand and said
You - sir, do you need anything ?
Guy - what is your name beautiful ?
You - Kim Y /n sir
Guy - don't call me sir call me jungkook
You - ok sir I mean jungkook .
Guy - babygirl can u bring the bill
You - yes sir
I went to the counter and while making I thought why jungkook called me baby girl I don't know him nor his members but why I asked myself  but was snapped out of reality by jungkook
Jk - hey babygirl , whom were you thinking abt
You nodded as no
And gave bill he paid the bill
Jk - see you soon baby girl
Said and left the cafe after working for an hour ur shift was over . You were tired so you decided to go home as soon as you reached home you ran to the bedroom and drift to sleep
To be continued......

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