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Y/n pov
Before entering the cafe someone grab my Wrist and started dragging somewhere I tried to see his face but his was wearing mask so couldn't see his face . He dragged me to the car and I black out.
Jk pov
I woke up in the morning got up from the bed and took towel and ran to the bathroom took a shower and went down stairs and saw hyungs eating breakfast I decided to join them I sat on chair
Jk- Good morning hyungs, good morning sam
All - Good morning kookie
Jin hyung gave pancakes and banana milk . After I was done eating I went to the living room sat  on the couch and decided to watch a movie I asked hyungs and sam
Jk - Sam , hyungs wanna watch a movie ?
All - yeah
Jk - ok , which movie ?
Sam - how about a horror movie
Jk - sounds good
Sam took snacks from kitchen and we started the movie after one hour it was 4:00
I was bored , my hyungs were sleeping and Sam was busy on her phone  so I decided to drive to the cafe . So I took car keys and started driving.  while driving  . I saw y/n walking to the cafe . I love her so much.  how can I make her mine . should  I confess or kidnap her  ? I asked myself . she don't even know me . If I confess she will reject me instead I will kidnap her so I parked my car in the corner and ran to the cafe . before she enter the I grabbed her wrist and starting dragging her to my car . She was trying get out of my grip but I put chloroform napkin on her mouth and she black out so I picked in bridal style and took her to my car and drive back home
At home
Jk pov
We reached home . I picked her up entered the house as soon as enter I saw my hyungs still sleeping and Sam was not at home .so  I took Y/n to my room and put her on the bed , put blanket on her , kissed her forehead and left the room .
Y/n pov
I woke up by the sunand saw I was at a luxurious room

after blacked out I don't remember what happened last night so I got from the bed went to the bathroom washed my face i was wiping my face I heard someone coming I went out and saw it was the maid

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after blacked out I don't remember what happened last night so I got from the bed went to the bathroom washed my face i was wiping my face I heard someone coming I went out and saw it was the maid .
Maid - Good morning ma'am
You- good morning
Maid - Here are the clothes and towel ma'am
You - Thank you , and don't call me ma'am you can call me y/n
Maid - you're welcome y/n
She said and left the room . I took the towel and went to the bathroom took shower . After taking shower put on my clothes and I went downstairs and and saw six men's which came in the cafe sitting on couch and a girl was sitting chair back facing me. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist I turned behind and saw it jungkook I quickly removed this hand from my waist .
Jk - good morning baby
You - good morning
Jk - hyung introduce yourself
Men 1 - M rm
Men2 - m jin
Men 3 - m suga
Men4 - m J-hope
Men 5- m jimin
Men 6- m taehyung
You - nice to meet you
All- nice to meet you too
Jk - sis introduce
The girl turned around and I was shocked . It was sam
You - what are you doing here Sam ?
Sam - I should be the one asking , what are u doing here ?
Jk - I brought her here
Sam - wae ? (Why )
Jk - Coz I like her . The day when I saw her I started felling for her but I didn't confess coz I was afraid that if she reject me then
You - who said I will reject you . I also like you so much the day when I saw you I liked you .
Jk - really ?
You - yes
He hugged me tightly . After some time we broke the hug
Jk - Btw how did you guys know know each other ?
Sam - she is my bestfriend
You - yeah , but you didn't tell me that you have a brother ?
Sam - sorry , coz he is a mafia leader I don't want to expose his identity so
You - it's ok
I turned and asked
You - you are a mafia leader ?
Jk - yes , any problem with that babe ?
You - no ,not at all
To be continued .......

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