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Y/n pov
I woke up . Sunlight hitting my face It was monday 7:30 . I was having school so I took my towel for the closet and ran the bathroom
Took a quick shower wore this 👇🏻

 I was having school so I took my towel for the closet and ran the bathroomTook a quick shower wore this 👇🏻

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Put some light makeup,took my bag and ran to school . I arrived to school
At school
I was at locker taking my things when I heard someone called my name it was Sam my bestie
She came towards me hug me tightly
Sam- hey y/n , how are you ?
You - hey ,m fine wbu ?
Sam - yeah m fine too
You - should we head to the class
Sam - yeah
We entered the class I took my sit and Sam did the same The teacher entered and the class started after same time the class finished
Sam- let's go to cafeteria to have lunch
At the cafeteria
I took my tray and sat on the table Sam did the same.
Sam - wanna hang out after school ?
You - yeah sure, but after 5 pm
Sam - why ?
You - did you forget that I work in cafe
Sam - yeah I totally forgot sorry
You - it's ok
Sam- if shift in the cafe so can I come ?
You - sure
After having lunch we attended some class
And the school was finished . I was at gate waiting for Sam . I heard someone calling me I turned around I was sam
You - bye ,I was shift half an hour . see you at cafe
Sam - yes bye
After that I reached home
At home
As I was having half an hour so I decided to take shower . I went to my bedroom I took my towel from the closet and ran to bathroom took a quick shower . I wore this 👇🏻

Put some light makeup took my bag and left the house

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Put some light makeup took my bag and left the house . as the cafe was near my house I decided to go by walking . I was all most reached the cafe before entering someone grab my wrist and started dragging somewhere
To be continued.....
Who was it ? You will get to know in the next chapter ....

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