Puff but child

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Puff laid on her side, wide awake. The common sound of yelling from downstairs reached her room and back again. She pulled out one of those fiction novels from under her bed that she wasn't allowed to read but she didn't talk unless spoken to so the most important rule was being followed. What's a few books going to do? Not like she believes in witchcraft. Her parents rules were odd. She had to wear curtin things, not speak unless spoken yo, don't address them as parents unless outside of this home, do as you're told without question, and to make friends. That more or less of a request than a rule because nobody liked her at age 8, she was 'too boring'.

She liked it that way. Nothing to worry about but her home and that's all her mind did other than read books and remember shes not supposed to read fiction books.

Puff was wearing her winter blue pajamas as she decided to try and get some sleep as the voices died down slightly. She put the book under her bed to be returned to school tomorrow. She rolled over into a restless night.

After no sleep it was morning. Lovely morning. Puff stuffed the book in her backpack at the sound of the alarm and got ready for a brand new day.

Puff got out of the car and went into school as her mother drove off into the rain. Puff walked into the play time area. She hid the book in her shirt after mom pulled away she sat alone near the books and started to put the book about witches away then the teacher called her name.

"PUFF!" Mrs. Finn shouted. Everyone looked at Puff, who flinched at her name. Her parents will find out for sure. Her solace from yelling gone once more. Another one along with stuffed animals, "Y-yes mam'?" Puff turned to the teacher who was usually so nice.

"Did you steal that book?" The sweet woman asked.

"I barowed it." Puff stated this with confidence.

The kids laughed at the statement or Puffs immature voice. She never talked much and only knows the words, never says them.

"Well people shouldn't barrow without asking," Mrs. Finn shook her head.

"Apologies Mrs. Finn, but if you would be so kind as to not inform my relatives I will stop taking books," Puff informed, bowing her head down like she does when she speaks with her parents.

The teacher blinked on hiw formal Puff was. "Well... uhm... I will have too Puff, but I'm sure they will understand. Will you tell me why you took the book?" She asked sweetly.

Puff wanted to cry. Her stomach already hurt and her wounds that were under her clothes felt as if they were being created again by everyones eyes. Puff shook her head no, wanting to run away but if she did... too many people know her family name. She's lucky she hasn't been put up for a ransom yet. That's what father says and he's right, as always.

The teacher sighed and started to Call Puffs mother. Some kids laughed at Puff, unknowing what she goes through and unknowing of what she could put them through.

After the call the teacher started class, not acknowledging Puffs self. What her position could have done for the lady. She could  have bragged on her and possibly convince her parents to lend her a small 1,200 dollars as they often do. Hey, having money is important.

---After kid jail---

Puffs mom had a delicate talk with the teacher and left with Puff to home. No matter how much she wanted to Puff didn't say a word. Not one.

At home Puff was nearly thrown inside. Home wasn't the right word.. who knows what is.

"MIND explaining yourself young miss?!" The mother nearly hissed, puching a wall with the side of her hand.

Puff didn't break down this time. She looked down and shook her head no.

Her mother slapped her face, "THEN EXPLAIN!"

Puff remained formal and plain, she wasn't going to please anyone with tears. If she needed to cry it could wait.


"I.." Puff had to lie, "I just wanted to look at the pictures because I thought the colors were pretty and it reminded me of the Halloween and candy," she didn't look up as her mother grabbed her neck. She didn't struggle.

"You buffoon. Your knowledge in school may be unmatched but your knowledge of the real world is lacking"

Like your marriage, Puff looked away to a vase. She couldn't look her mother in the face.

Her mother threw her to the wall and kicked Puffs stomach. "Bloody hell with you! To your room. Your father will deal with you later you cunt," the mothers accent shown. That happens sometimes.

Puff ran up to her room and hid in her treasure chest. It was big enough and nobody looks in here. This wasn't her first time comming in this suffocating place to cry in peace. Shes done it since 5. Nearly 3 years ago.

She couldn't help her feeling just yet but she was getting better.

She left the chest after stopping. She wiped her face. She wanted to cry more but that could 'be bad for her complexion'.

How cruel. Puff started to do vocal exercises as to not sound so... childish. She stared with basic hums as she herd her door nob turn. She stiffened up right away time really flys by...

It was, of course, father. Mother said what she wanted the punishment to be and father shall do it. Mother acted like she loved Puff. That's a lie. Puff, when she can, will stab a pocket knife in her throat just to watch father suffer.

He slapped the other side of Puffs face. Puff made no noise. She endured what she had to for what felt like 10 hours, not 10 minutes.

Puff watched her father leave the room and she stood, the hits were on her arms mostly, as always. Easy to reach for her short size.

She sat on the bed. Not using her arms. It hurts too much.

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