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chapter twenty-three

"You'll visit every summer and winter break I hope?" Taehyung's halmoni said, trying to hold her tears in. Having Taehyung away in Seoul hurt, but at least they were in the same country. He'll be across the world now.

"I promise. The internship pays for trips back for the summers, and I'll try to start the line as soon as possible to make enough money to visit during the winter too. I'm going to miss you halmoni!" Taehyung threw his arms around her, hugging his role model tightly.

She meant everything to him, she was the one who had never abandoned him.

"I will miss you too Taehyungie. Remember to stay focused and never give up! I'm rooting for you my boy." She kissed his cheek, pulling away to get one last look at her grandson.

Taehyung was starting a new chapter in his life. It was sudden, and almost too much for him to process, but it was good nonetheless. He needed this. He needed to accomplish his goal, otherwise, everything he's worked for would've been for nothing.

He was ready for this.

Or at least that's what he thinks.


The train ride home went by quicker than expected, and Taehyung planned to use his last week in Seoul wisely, activities including only his friends. He had never done anything without Jimin by his side, so this would be a first. It did scare him a bit— the pink haired boy was his protector, but now he wouldn't have him there anymore.

'I need to learn how to be independent.'

He unlocked the door to his dorm, smiling as he was greeted by his group of friends. He had called Jimin after arriving at the train station, making sure the entire group was there.

"Taehyung!" Jimin sprinted towards him, bringing the blonde into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry-"

"Jimin, let's not waste our last week fighting, I want to have fun. Let's make the best out of this time we have together." The group collectively agreed on a weeks plan.

It was currently Saturday, he was leaving next week on Sunday, the 19th. Tomorrow would be a relaxing day, Taehyung was personally exhausted and was feeling kind of sick, for reasons he believed was barely eating anything the past few days.

On Monday they'd go ice skating, which Lisa had suggested they do. Jin had heard of Taehyung and Jimin's wish of going to Barton G, so he decided to book them a table for Saturday— the night before Taehyung's departure.

It would be a nice way to spend the last of his days in his homeland. He was terrified of what his studies in America would bring him, but he wasn't backing out of this. He was excited despite the anxiousness lingering in the back of his mind.

But enough of that. Taehyung was going to make sure he enjoyed his last week in South Korea.


The next morning Taehyung was awoken by his sunny roommate, who was excited to go ice skating for the first time in his life.

"Taehyungie have you ever been ice skating?" Hoseok asked while munching on some rice and an omelette. (in Thailand this is very common for breakfast lmaooo. it's all I eat😭)

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