chapter 3

37 12 2

Bismillahir Rahmanir-Rahim

Iman's POV

"Heaww". I sighed when we came out of sahad stores like is this girl alright? We only came shopping for junks put she packed many things even those things she knows she will never use. Right now we are on our way to the parking lot. I will be lying if I say I am not holding more than......

"Imannnnn". Aisha shouted

"Oya remove my ear drum". I Said totally annoyed.

"I have been calling you since what were you thinking about". She said while opening the car trunk.

"Nothing". I said simply putting the stuffs in the car trunk and I entered the car.

"Where are we going to now Hajiya?". I asked when she entered the car.

"Hmmmm". She said holding her chin. " Ahha let's go to Icecream parlour". She added.

"Yayyy. Ice cream parlour here we comeeee". I said and  drove out of the parking lot.


We arrived at ice cream parlour minutes later. I parked the car at a safe place. We entered and sat down at a booth. I ordered mint and strawberry flavour while Aisha ordered chocolate and vanilla. Wierd.

"Should we eat here or at home?". I asked.

"Let's eat here". She said.

We were half way munching on our ice cream when two girls around our age came towards us i thought they were Aisha's friends so I kept staring at them till they reached us.

"Why are you staring at me like that". The first girl shouted when she came to our table.

"Don't mind her she is just jealous that you are finer than her". The other girl said and they high-fived each other and started laughing like the goats they were.

"Who are you?". Aisha said standing up.

So they are not her friends. Interesting.

"I am the one and only Hanifa Bashir Baba". She said and I mentally laugh at the name.

"So? That doens't mean you can just come and start shouting at us". Aisha said again.

"Point of correction I wasn't shouting at you". The so called hanifa said rolling her eyes.

"You are indirectly shouting at me Cox whoever shouts at her shouts at me and vice-versa". Aisha shouted and before we knew it people are already taking videos.

"Hahahahaha". Hanifa laughed again and the mumu she called a friend joined her too.

"Enough of everything". I shouted standing up.

"See this tiny thing that is shouting at us". Hanifa said.

"Better warn yourself now before I do something we will both regret". I shouted again and the people started shouting:

"Just slap her"

"No punch her face"

"Punch her nose"

"Remove her ear"

What?!!!! How can I remove somebody's ear.

She was laughing at what the people were saying and before she knew it me and Aisha slapped her at the same time but different cheeks.

"And that's what you get for messing around with us". Aisha said smirking.

"How dare you". Hanifa said holding both of her cheeks." You are going to pay for this". She added and started walking.

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