This was a weird day.

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"We're back." They both told once they were at the table.
"Oh god it's the shining all over again." Amelia told making me give a small smile.
"And we're all minted up." She told as Summer sat down and she walked closer to Teddy. "Perhaps you'd like a mint too."
"No, thank you." He told before she put one in his mouth."Okay."
"Autumn, hit me." Amelia told making Autumn throw one towards her and she caught it in her mouth. "Thanks."
'She truely is filled with many talents.'
"No problem." She told before sitting down and Amelia went over to do something at the counter.
"May I inquire about your fashionable European man bag?" I asked making her give a confused look.
"You mean my purse?" She asked
"Yes. He does mean your purse." Teddy told and I knew I had to go along with it.
"She bought it for herself from the donation drive." Summer told.
"And I gave myself a great price too. Free-ninety-nine!" She told making them both laugh.
"She stole that purse." Summer added as they continued to laugh.
As they chuckled from it, I thought about it for a second before spilling my drink on Summer.
"Oops! My bad!" I exclaimed as she jumped up.
"Your bony little elbows knocked my drink over! Now I gotta clean myself up. I knew I should've held out for a beefy boy!" She exclaimed as Amelia rushed over.
"Let me take you into the back to help clean you up." She told once she close enough and lead Summer into the back.
"What a mess!" Autumn told as she tried to clean everything up.
"Do not worry. We will get some towels." I told before grabbing Teddy by the tie and dragged him off his seat before letting go of his tie, and we go off to the side far enough so she wouldn't hear them talking. "This is our chance. I cleverly got rid of Summer, like a spy. Now, you need to distract Autumn, so I can get the photo out of the man bag."
"And how am I supposed to do that?" He asked
"With a weapon of mass seduction: your lips."
"Aw come on, dude, seriously?"
"If you do not want my identity revealed, you will get to smooching." I told making Teddy move side to side in protest.
"Fine." He told before we walked back.
Autumn looked up at us and was confused why we didn't have towels.
"Where are the towels?"
"Forget the towels. It's time to give you two some alone time." I told before giving Teddy a small push on the shoulder and then walking away.
As soon as I was able to I quickly turned around and jumped over the couch, and then quietly but quickly move to collect the bag off the chair. I tried to get the zipper opened behind her but soon moved away in case she turned to see it. I moved to stand near the counter and kept working to open it. Thankfully that didn't take too long, and I finally get it opened and gets ahold of the photo, when Summer catches me.
"Hey! What are you doing?" She asked as she snatches the bag out of my hands and takes the photo as well. "He was trying to get this photo from your purse!"
Autumn and Teddy get up and head over to them, with Teddy and Emil panicking while Summer and Autumn were annoyed by what happened as Amelia quickly joined up next to me sharing the same panicked look I held.
"Oh, no! This is it!" I told making Amelia give my hand a quick squeeze.
"Well, well, well. Looks like the cat's out of the bag." Autumn told before showing the photo, which was of me luring a cat out of a paper bag.
'Oh thank goodness.'
"You've got to be kidding me." Amelia stated and I began to smile.
"Wait! That's it? A photo of you luring a cat out of a bag?" He asked as I chuckled from the relief of my identity not being exposed.
"Of course! That is me and the neighbourhood cat, Mister Buttons. He does love bags." I stated as I got the photo from them.
"Wait! What is your photo doing in her purse?" Summer asked
"It's actually his European man bag, and... I accidentally donated it without asking him." Teddy told
"Only because I did not respect his space." I told before Regina appeared from behind the dividing wall.
"Well, it looks like you boys learned how to fish. Mum of the year." She told before taking another picture and walking away.
"Weird lady." Amelia told making me and Teddy nod in agreement.
"Wait a second. I see what's going on here." Autumn told as the two twins began to circle us.
"This whole date was a scam, a sham, a film-flam!" Summer added as they walked around more making us moved to stand where they were mere moments ago.
"You tried to kiss me to get a picture of a cat."
"Wait you did what?" Amelia asked
"I'll explain later." I told making her nod.
"You guys are weird." Summer stated
"Strange." Her twin added
"This is something Christian would do."
"Let's not bring my dead beat father into this, ladies." Amelia told
"No problem. We've all disowned him anyway."
'Her fathers name is Christian?'
"Also side note, stop being an open relationship." Autumn told
"Yeah, it's obvious you two love the other very much." Summer added.
"Done." I told before Amelia spoke up.
"Look about how weird they or I should say we in this case. We actually thought it was a picture of me and Jacob. I borrowed his bag a few weeks ago and I thought I left the picture in there. Turns out I didn't."
"You should have still told us Amelia." Summer stated.
"Yeah we understand how much the photo means to you." Autumn added.
"In hindsight that makes a lot of sense. But we were not thinking properly." She told.
"Understandable." They both told as one.
'She would make such a great actor. Maybe I should convince her to start drama.'
"Look, I'm sorry I misread the situation, Autumn." Teddy told looking towards Summer.
"Autumn?!" She exclaimed making him look towards Autumn.
"I mean Autumn." He told as he pointed towards her.
"How dare you!" They exclaimed before slapping the two of us leaving Amelia out of it and storming off.
"See you guys this weekend at the family Reunion!" Amelia shouted at them.
"They are unusually strong." I told as we held our cheeks before I realised what Amelia had said. "Wait. Did you say family Reunion?"
"I forget you guys are cousins." Teddy added making me more confused.
"Your cousins with them?" I asked looking back towards her.
"Yeah. We are cousins four or five times removed. We are almost distant cousins, to the point we could date and it would be fine, but we won't cause you know. On my fathers side I should add. They've also disowned him as family." She explained.
"That explains why your able to get away with much more then anyone else."
"Yeah. They are a little over protective of me sometimes, especially after the incident."
"Wait! If the photo of you and your dad wasn't in the bag, then where is it?" Teddy asked as we all walked over towards the couch and sat down in defeat.
"I have no idea." He told before Sydney spoke.
"Hey guys!" She told making us look towards her as she walked closer. "Sorry we couldn't find your picture. We looked really hard and didn't take any karaoke breaks."
"That's definitely what you did." Amelia stated before Joosep skated into the bowling alley.
"It wasn't all for naught. I did find these amazing wheel shoes." He explained as he rolled around the back of the couch to the side and revealed he also held a magazine. "And some advice on how to get my marbles back from that mean 8-year-old."
He held it up to show us all when something fell out.
"Oh look, a thing and another thing fell out of the thing." Amelia told as Joosep went and picked them up before looking at them
"Ah! That's the picture of you and the king! And your hair looks fantastic. As well as the picture of you, Amelia and the king, and both of your hair looks fantastic." He told as he showed us making me jump up and grab them.
"Of course! That is where I put it! 'M' for 'marbles', 'M' for 'my hair looks great'. See? The system works, Teddy."
"It really doesn't. You thought it was in the bag." Amelia told
"She's right, it really doesn't, but I'm glad you're staying." Teddy told as they stood up.
"I'm staying!" I exclaimed.
"Can we please go a week without thinking he might be sent back?" Amelia asked as we all cheered.
"Well, this calls for a celebration. I know just a thing!"

We ended up going back to the gym with Regina and got into different costumes from around the place and just sang and danced with the song.
"Shake it like Sriracha. Shake it like Sriracha. Get silly, red chili, garlic, real quick! Shake it like Sriracha. Shake it like Sriracha. You know I gotta have a bottle of Sridacha on deck."
As we danced I made sure me and Amelia we holding hands though out the whole thing.
'She truly is wonderful.'
Once we all decided to go home, me and Amelia went up to her room to look at the stars since the sky was so clear.
"You know, I do not think you will ever stop amazing me." I told making her look up towards me as I kept ahold of her.
"How so?"
"Well I learnt your fathers name is Christian, your somewhat related to the McCrary twins, you are an amazing dancer and singer...."
"Ok you are only saying the last two cause you're dating me."
"No I am serious Amelia. You are amazing. And the fact that you are able to make up convincing lies so quickly and act like they are the truth, makes me believe you should do drama at school."
"Drama is not for me." She told as she moved so her legs were now across my lap and she was facing me.
"You would still be excellent at it."
"Agree to disagree."
"But I must say. That kiss was something."
"Yeah. I was mad at the whole date thing and then the thought of her kissing you made me more mad so I kinda just went well if she's gonna kiss him then imma kiss him first, but then after I did it I then realised it was both of our first kisses and we probably should have talked about it first but we didn't really have time and I....." she told before I cut her off, by pulling her towards me so our lips were connected again.
We stayed like that for as long as we could till we both pulled away enough so we could rest our foreheads together.
"You know you could have just told me to shut up." She told making us chuckle.
"But I love when you talk. I only cut you off because I wanted to kiss you again."
"Ah. So your forever going to kiss me while I'm mid-talking?"
"I will not argue with that.... unless we are actually arguing, then I will."
"I truely do love you Amelia Francesca Smith."
"Is that so Maxemil Magnus Gustav Nils Anders Henrik Adolfus Bjorn Gunnar Olaf Vanderklaut the Third?" She asked making me smile.
"But of course my queen. Also you got my full name right."
"Yes! But I should say, I truely love you my king."
"Will you be my Moorat?"
"Aren't I already your moorat?"
"Yes, but I haven't asked you it. We were just thrown into it."
"Then forever and ever will I be your Moorat."
"Then we must celebrate."
"And how must we?"
"We watch the stars till we fall asleep."
"That sounds like an excellent way to celebrate my king."
"Only for you my queen."
She moved back so I was holding her in my arms as we watched the stars till we both fell asleep.
'I couldn't picture a life without her in it.'

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