Chapter 1: A New World

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Welcome to the first chapter. I hope you enjoy!


We see Naruto, Sai, Sakura and Yamato jumping through the trees and land on a bridge in front of Orochimaru. Orochimaru then starts to give an evil monologue. While this is happening Naruto can be seen getting angry and red chakra forms over him. Orochimaru smiles at this but before they can fight a portal appears and takes Naruto then it disappears as fast as it came.

(In Naruto's Mindscape)

Naruto: "Uh, where am I?"

???: "You're in your mindscape brat!"

Naruto then looks behind him to see a giant nine-tailed fox in a cage.

N: "Oh, it's just you."

K: "Why do you sound so bored!?"

N: "Because you're boring, all you do is sleep."

K: "I am the almighty Kyuubi no Kitsune, show me some damn respect!"

N: "I'll start showing you some respect when you stop calling me brat! I have a name ya know."

K: "Fine, I'll start calling you by your name."

N: "Thank you. Now that your calling me by my name, may I know what your name is?

K: *Shocked* "What makes you think I have a name?"

N: "Well Kyuubi is more of like a title and everyone has to have something to call themselves."

K: "You're very smart kit" 'I can't believe I'm about to do this' "My name is Kurama."

N: "Ok thanks. Ahhh! What's happening!"

K: "Calm down you're just waking up!"

N: "Oh ok, bye Kurama!"

Naruto wakes up and starts looking around and sees that he is in a new place.

N: "Where am I?"

K: 'It seems that portal has brought us to another world.'

N: 'Does that mean I can't use chakra anymore?'

K: 'No you still can.'

N: 'Ok that's good.'

K: 'It seems the sun is setting.'

N: 'Yeah it is, I should find shelter.'

K: 'Well be careful, we don't know what's in this world.'

N: 'I will.'

Naruto then starts to walk around to find shelter. He is then attacked by a unknown creature. The creature continues attacking while Naruto dodges. A person then comes out of nowhere and slices the creatures head off.

Random Demon Slayer: "Are you ok?"

N: "Yeah, but can I ask what was that?"

Random DS: "That was a demon. They only come out at night to eat any humans and it's my job to slay them."

N: "Ok, but what are you?"

Random DS: "I am a demon slayer. Also why are you wondering the forest?"

N: "I was looking for shelter."

Random DS: "Oh ok, also here!"

The demon slayer then tosses his katana to Naruto. Naruto look at him confused.

Random DS: "You looked intrigued, so I'm giving you one of my katanas for you to practice for the Final Selection which is on February 15th."

N: "Ok thank you very much."

Naruto waves goodbye to the demon slayer and then he goes inside a cave to sleep.

(In Naruto's Mindscape)

N: "Hey Kurama!"

K: "Hey kit."

N: "I'm guessing you heard about the demon slayers and the demons in this world."

K: "Yeah and I was wondering if you'd like me to teach you the Fox taijutsu and kenjutsu styles?"

N: "I would love that!"

Kurama then laughs at his jinchuuriki's antics.

N: "Hey what's so funny!?"

K: "Nothing"

N: "Ok"

K: "Now for me to be able to train you you're going to have to pull off the paper on the cage so I can appear outside your mindscape in my human form."

N: "Ok I'll do it!"

Naruto then steps near the cage and red goo picks him up and he pulls off the paper.

N: "So what are we going to do now?"

K: "We are going to sleep. Your training starts tomorrow mourning."

N: "Ok fine."


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