Sibling headcanons that purify your soul better than Holy Water

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↬ Reyna and Nico like to take long walks in the garden of Bacchus together while Reyna and Hazel are the horse girls™ along with Percy.

↬ As toddlers, Carter and Sadie shared a room and though they had separate beds, they ended up sleeping together anyway. Now, when Walt or Zia aren't there, the two siblings still sneak into each other's bedrooms to sleep. Sadie also likes to stay in Carter's room a lot like a parasite (as all good siblings do) and Carter is tired. (But he also loves it at the same time. Don't tell Sadie that.) 

↬ Percy has spoilt Estelle. She gets everything she wants, though she is still the most sweetest girl ever, and usually never asks for more than she really needs.

↬ Paul has a sister who is a year older than him and they are the sort of siblings who tease each other relentlessly and can recite every single embarrassing moment either of them went through in their childhood. When she met Sally, something clicked and the two immediately bonded. Paul had never been more glad/afraid his whole life.

↬ As a baby, Jason used to find floating in the air and drawing on the ceiling very amusing, and Thalia had to bring him down using an old fishing hook. Once he floated right out the door like a helium balloon. Thalia was so done after she finally got him back down. 

↬ Mitchell and Piper always do each other's nails and hair. No one else can even touch them. 

↬ Do Austin and Kayla love each other unconditionally and will give their lives up for each other without hesitation? 


Will they take out the trash if the other asked them to? 

No. Not even if the world was ending.

↬ Leo and Harley build almost everything together. Leo likes to give Harley piggy-back rides for fun (obviously not because of the fact that he's one of the only ones shorter than Leo at Camp, despite being pretty tall for his age.)

↬ Will was brought into camp at a very young age, so it was hard for him to find people of his age group to talk to. That's when he met Annabeth. These two started out as friends, but soon developed a relationship similar to that of close cousins who do pretty much everything together. For Will, Annabeth was like the older sister he never had, while for Annabeth, Will reminded her of Magnus a lot. Sure, there were moments where they felt like smacking the other (like when Annabeth crashed the chariot in TLH or when Will spent 48 hours without sleep in the infirmary after the Giant War) and not to mention calling each other names, they were still pretty close. After Jason arrived, they became the official blonde trio™.

↬ This is not really a sibling one, but I'm really supporting the headcanon that Nico "borrows" everyone's clothes. If you have a hoodie missing, it was either a) stolen by your significant other, or b) stolen by Nico. One day you'll see him wearing Reyna's clothes, the other day, Hazel's. Sometimes he'll wear Jason's, Percy's, Piper's or Annabeth's. Mostly Will's. He doesn't really "borrow" Leo's clothes. They are just right for him as they're the same height, but they're usually covered with dirt or engine oil.

↬ If you see Apollo and Hermes together, RUN.

↬ Alex finds it his duty as a sibling to test Amir whenever he can. He constantly chaperones the couple, despite being fully aware that they won't do anything. 

↬ No one knows this but Malcolm has been keeping track of whatever Percy and Annabeth do. He doesn't want anyone hurting his sister (despite being fully aware that she can take him by herself)

↬ Annabeth always used to carry an inhaler around for Magnus when they were young. When they met for the second time before the final battle on the Naglfar, Annabeth brought along his old inhaler for him to keep as another reminder of Annabeth. They also casually wear each other's clothes, being almost the same height.

↬ Meanwhile, Travis and Conner won't even touch each other's clothes unless they're pranking someone. They like to portray themselves differently from the other, as many people still think of them as twins, which they are not.

↬ Do Thalia and Percy still have the huge Big Three children battles, you ask? 

Yes. Yes, they do. And one of them almost dies every time.

↬ Hades, despite being the eldest of the Big Three, is always stuck in the middle when Zeus and Poseidon fight. 0/10, he does not recommend being stuck in the middle of your other two siblings fighting.

↬ Apollo, Artemis, Frey and Freya used to meet secretly before Apollo got turned into a mortal. It would almost always end up with Apollo and Frey flirting and Artemis and Freya at each other's throats.

(I hope Magnus and Will don't have any half-siblings coming any time soon)

(Oh, who am I kidding, I need a fanfiction on this.)

↬ Apollo and Artemis have one of the best sibling duos. Oh, the joy of shooting each other with arrows whenever you want 🥰

↬ Artemis, Athena and Persephone hang out almost all the time during spring and summer.

↬ Thor and Loki DEFINITELY saw the Marvel movies. They have... mixed opinions about them.

↬ Lacy and Drew went in shock when they realised that Percy and Annabeth knew the Kanes. Lacy may or may not have almost fainted out of excitement of seeing them again. Needless to say, the Kane siblings were pretty shocked as well. (Lacy still thinks Carter is pretty cute, though she respects the fact that he's in a relationship.)

↬ [TTT SPOILER] After Reyna joined the Hunters, she had more time to hang out with her sister. Hylla would often discuss her plans of ruling over the wo- oops- that's confidential information.

↬ Apollo, or should I say Mr. A, definitely accompanies Mr. D when he visits camp as a mortal. 

↬ Magnus and Samirah have made it their tradition to go the Thinking Cup or Fadlan's Falafel every time Samirah's free.

↬ Plot twist, 'cause why not: Maria and Marie actually knew each other from before, and Nico and Hazel had met each other as toddlers already. Which is why when Nico found Hazel in the Fields of Asphodel, something inside him told him that she deserved a second chance at life.

↬ Lester was there with Meg through every important moment in her life. Every birthday, graduating, dating someone, getting a job, you name it. "The sun always comes back" after all. 

[I completed a whole year on Wattpad! Yay!]

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