Rant #3- My problem with HoO

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[Just one thing: to the people who will say "aw come on, it's just a series for kids! don't think about it too much!!! it's just for fun and laughs!!! you're ruining the fun!!!", might I remind you that a billion impressionable kids literally have these characters as role models?]

[I am not invalidating your opinions or telling you to change them. They are your opinions and these are mine. If I can respect your opinions, you can respect mine. Thank you.]

[Rick and his books may not be perfect, but that doesn't act as a reason for members of a particular community to not speak up about bad representation that requires just a little more research to at least move it away from being harmful. That being said, I'm not "cancelling" Rick. (I hate the cancel culture anyway).]

[Please do not hesitate to tell me if *I* end up saying something offensive here. Thank you!]

Believe me, the number of times I've thought of rewriting this series is off the charts.

↬ No fun, sassy, sarcastic chapter titles. (Yes this is a very minor topic but I'm just hyping you guys up for bigger, more serious topics).

I mean, the second you open TLH, you see the name of this random dude called Jason in third person pov. And it's not even like Rick hasn't done books with different povs with funny titles. I mean, look at the Kane Chronicles. It had povs from two different people yet still managed to keep the hilarious titles. Sometimes, looking at the index really makes you want to read the book, you know?

↬ Forcing everyone into a relationship, and those who don't have a love interest and are girls, well, time to force them to join the Hunters, I suppose! (They're literal kids going through a lot! Leave them alone for some time!)

↬ Leo Valdez. [Just to make it clear: My reasons for not liking him DO NOT revolve around him being "annoying" at all] [I am also NOT anti-Leo.]

Okay, I never actually got the hype about him. Alright, he was "broken and used his humor to hide the pain" which is relatable to many but the way he treated Frank and Nico made me want to throw something across the room.

Also, the way he went after every. single. girl. who. breathed. despite knowing that they were clearly not interested?

Yes, he was abused and had a shitty life but so did literally EVERYONE else? That didn't give Frank an excuse to be terrible to everyone around him! He was the exact opposite! Just because you want to feel better about yourself does not give you the right to put others down! (Yes, his abuse made him have complications forming relationships but I personally think it went a little too far. Then again, it could just be me, I don't know.)

I mean he started a fire around Frank despite being aware of his situation without any regrets??

Plus, even if he was a purposefully flawed character, there was no proper redemption?? No one told him, "Hey buddy, this isn't right and maybe you shouldn't do that! We can talk it out instead!" And they call them his true friends.


Also, he left his friends for a girl he hardly knew while his friends grieved for him and awaited his arrival. I'm sure Calypso could wait a little longer. Maybe they could've gotten to know one another first! OR DONE SOMETHING ABOUT THE HUGE AGE GAP.


If his arc started with the fact that he lacked parental and platonic affection in his life and thought he'd feel validated by gaining female attention, then WHY would you end it with him getting a girlfriend instead of realizing that maybe all he needs is some true friends?

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