Rant #7 - Leave the kids alone

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hello my lovelies. i am aware i have not posted anything on here for more than half a year now but i just saw something that really pissed me off so instead of writing my speech for english at 11:30 pm, you'll be hearing me rant about certain people with certain obsessions in this fandom!

(rereading this it sounds like I'm gonna start talking about underage smut in this fandom but it's not what I'll be doing sorry. I might though. in another chapter. eventually.)

so. we all know the shit that went down with the castings right. 

yeah, people are still mad. but i'm not talking about their arguments or arguing with them right now (<— this is a lie I actually do later in the chapter oops).

what i am here to talk about is this:

so we know a lot of pjo fandom artists draw the characters accurate to the show actors now, except the hair and the eye colour which is perfectly fine because they're either a) merging both hence signifying their love for both versions or b) showing their new/changed perspective of the book characters.

and that's fine, i have no problem with any of that, i love all the artworks.

however, what does bother me is that grown white adults are still pissed about it and have made it their job to find every single picture/video of the cast members, whether or not it has anything to do with the show, and editing it to be book accurate. 

see, it was fine till the artwork, alright? because here, it's not even to depict a scene from the books. it's just what they want for the show and are passive aggressively stating the changes that should be made.

and hey, maybe it's just me, but the fact that every single picture of the poor kids that they might love or are of them making memories together is being altered because a certain adult white man couldn't handle it is annoying me. because this man i'm talking about edited all of their pictures together while filming or from other projects that they've been a part of and made them have book-accurate hair and eye colours. 

it might not be too serious but at the same time it irks me so much because like, you are basically taking every memory of theirs and altering their features so you, a grown ass adult can feel satisfied with it is just i don't know. i don't like it. 

and this guy has a very normal (ish) middle-aged white guy Instagram page too but in the middle of like five posts, you'll see one post of the edited cast members, as if it's the only thing bothering that grown adult in the entire world to the point where he took it in his own hands to have his personal Instagram page have this on display multiple times along with his normal posts.

and it's not even that, i saw one or two memes as well that he made about how walker looked nothing like percy but like Will but not in the tumblr post "nico told this guy he's not his type when he literally looks like Will 😭" type jokes. i mean the ones that you can tell were made when he was feeling especially salty.

the thing is, that the cast can see everything. they all have access to Instagram, and i'm sure all of the pjo posts pop up for them on whatever social media site they may be on as well. and to have to see a bunch of pictures of you and your friends forcefully having red/black/blonde hair and sea green/grey eyes because some people still can't accept the way you look and want to change your physical features to benefit them for a show ABOUT accepting yourself is just so sickening to see. look at it from the kids' perspectives. 

rick clearly said it was up to THEM to decide whether they wanted to alter their physical appearances for the role or not since that wasn't even important to him. and clearly the kids chose to look like themselves. because it's a show about KIDS AND ACCEPTING THEMSELVES. no matter how they look. and don't come at me with the annabeth being a dumb blonde thing now because 

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