Success at school vs Success in life (A vs C)

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Dedicated to essiechoi

There are different types of students in school,but there are two major ones;
-Those who read their books thoroughly word for word, answer tests,exams questions correctly and some don't care if they really understand for future purpose,they just want to pass,and they actually always do. They're usually highly logically intelligent. They are the A-grade students.

-The second category are those who read or study a little and they answer questions in their own understanding, but they usually fail or get low grades because they didn't write exactly what was in the book, but they are always creative. They're the C-grade students.

The highly logically intelligent (A grade) students are always obedient, teachers and parents love them, they are academic achievers. Most of them settle for conventional careers like medicine, law and engineering.
Meanwhile, the creative students are the exact opposite they are not obedient, they question everything and ask "what's the point". They prefer unconventional careers like inventors, astronauts, writers and musicians. They are not usually realistic, they prefer to create their own reality. They don't get along with teachers and sometimes even their parents. Almost everyone advises them to be more like the A-grade students,but instead of focusing on their school work,they develop their passions and talents that's not always related to academics but usually leads them to success.

In school the A-grade students are always on top of the class,prefects and they have success at school,but does that guarantee success in life?,the answer is NO. That is why some students who graduated with first class are often unemployed,because the system has taught them to read and pass,they know how to recite Newton's first to third law of motion,but not how to apply it to create their own laws. It is as if they have now been brought out of their comfort zone,to face life itself outside a classroom.

In developing countries the education system is the major cause of unemployment, because it focuses on only the  theoretical instead of practical aspects of most subjects. The world is evolving and it doesn't really need people who graduated with a first class degree or get distinctions,it now needs creative,innovative and people who can communicate their ideas to the world and this is where C-grade students are good at.

They might not be the best when it comes to exams and it seems that will also be their performance in life too,but that's not true,they are being underestimated, most of them always become very successful, sometimes even more than the A-grade students. The reason why C-grade students don't get high grades isn't because they're not intelligent or didn't wanna study.
Some of them are struggling and going through a hard time. They've experienced failure and aren't too sad when they get bad grades because they know it doesn't define them. Due to their experience,they find it easier to deal with some situations in life. Though it looks as if those who get A's know more, but that isn't always the case because "Knowledge isn't something a learner absorbs,it's something a learner creates".

In Nigeria there's high rate of unemployment, but people blame the economy and bad governance for not creating jobs for youths instead of the education system. They want to work in hospitals,oil companies,but they should stop depending on the government and create their own employment, with the little resources they have.

Success at school doesn't determine success in life, though almost everyone makes it seem as if it does, sometimes it is actually the opposite, some people who were successful at school, find it difficult to become successful in life and some people who weren't successful at school had greater success in life.


👆This video is a like a summary of most things I have been writing about

I know,I know,there are a couple of  videos but it just makes us understand better,you won't regret  watching them,they might just change your life like they did to mine!

There's a joke which says; "does finding the x variable (that's always lost but found😆) in maths,help a student a job in the future ? " ,honestly the one valuable lesson that maths has taught me is that; "for every problem in life there's always a solution".

I've now come to the end of school and its system. The only way to not feel the effect of this crazy school system is to simply learn about what you love,but will our parents and society let us?,that's my next topic.

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