2-Who is she

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Hey guys mikala here sorry i havent updated for awile i have school to deal with and crap...so ya here is a new chapter bye!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    before the note~~
Dylan POV
      I went home and sat on my bed. Who was that girl i have never seen her around.

When i look into those big brown eyes of hers it seems almost if im lost in them. Her

Chocolate hair reaching to about her waist with a little of blue at the ends. Her smile

Lights up my whole world.

      How could i have missed her in school?

      i looked at the piece of paper in my hand. I started to open it when i thought

"What could this be?" I see the words----no numbers on the paper. 8952271188. What does that

Mean? I took a closer look and i realized its a phone number.

" his?" I thought

I punched the number into my phone and texted the number.

(A-alex D-dylan)

A- hey this is alex i said hoping they know me

About 2 seconds later
D-Hey alex this is dylan btw and i saw you figured it out:)
A- ya i figured it out i took me a bit but ya
D- do you want to go somewhere tomarrow?
A-ya sure sounds like fun...where exactly?
D-secret ill pick you up at 6
A-ok bye!
D-ya see you tomarrow 

i put my phone down and crawled into bed. Where is he taking me and am i sure about this?
Where will dylan take her?

Hey guys sorry about lack of updates like i told you i have school
Luv ya

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