Chapter 7 - Aftermaths

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I could smell his cologne, not heavy, but present. His hair fell over his eyes and swiped across my cheek for a moment, and I pushed it back behind his ear. I leaned my head back and he leaned over more so he was further on top of me. One hand gripping the hair at the back of his head, pulling him closer, I moved my right hand down onto his chest and tugged at his buttoned down shirt. I spread my fingers along his chest and neckline, sliding my finger side to side on his warm skin.

His long breaths shortened and lined up with my own, his lips and mine moving in synchronization too. I could feel his heart beat speed up as my hand stayed on his chest. Then I move my fingers up to the top button, and slowly dragged my hand down as the buttons popped open easily. His chest more exposed, I ran my hand up the bare part of it, then aligning both my hands on either side of his face, my thumb caressing the spot under his eye and by the bridge of his nose.

I moaned quietly into his mouth, and he groaned in pleasure. It made my bottom lip tickle, and I kissed him harder, sitting up, but he pushed me back down and gripped my hair to pull me towards him. His other hand gripped my waist, and then I felt his pants vibrate.

That's a weird affect on a guy.

But no, it was his phone.

It rang, and he tried to ignore it, which was successful since the ring stopped after a little while. But yet his phone began ringing again.

He groaned and sat up, looking at me with a pained face. "Sorry, just give me a moment. I'll get it out of the way."

He accepted the call and just sat there, listening for a moment. Must've been someone yelling, since I could hear their voice from where I sat.

"Alright, alright, calm down. I'll be right there." He said finally.

I looked up from where I picked at the rips in my jeans. He looked down at me as he stood up, and cleared his throat.

"I have to leave." He buttoned up his shirt slowly. "Sorry."

I got up from where I was sitting. "It's fine." I said, swatting away his hands from his shirt, and buttoned it up for him, since he was having trouble.

He stood there awkwardly for the moment that I was taking to button the last button, and then exhaled and we made eye contact. I smiled a small crooked smile, and pushed back the same strand of hair that had fallen earlier.

He turned around and walked to the door, opening it, and stepped out into the hallway, turning back around again to look at me.

I smiled again. "Till I see you again."

"Yes, hopefully we can do this again too, but I won't have to be called away and we could... well..." He winked.

I quietly giggled.

"I should be at home a lot, especially this weekend." I said, implying he should come back again.

He smiled too, and as he turned to walk away, I closed the door.

I walked back to my couch, and sat back in my original spot. I picked up the tea I hadn't finished earlier, and downed it in a few sips, however cold it was. I sighed, and looked out the window, thinking at a about a million miles an hour. I sat there, and apparently flew to another planet, because I wasn't welcomed back to earth for a few hours.

I proceeded to fall asleep on the couch after setting down my tea, and didn't open my eyes until the morning sun beamed through my window and straight through my eyelids.

CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE AROUND 12 VIEWERS! And more followers too! I appreciate all of you omg. Here's my insta again, that has updates and whatnot! Hugh.grant_writer

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